I'm new here but I thought I'd dive right in as I need urgent help...
I have a 300ltr tropical tank, minimal plants, recently added redmoor and sand substrate.
I currently stock
2 male guppies,
4 Molly's
4 mixes corydora
3 pink zebra danio
3 zebra danio
1 fantail goldfish
1 koi
Temp 23 degree or 73
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10
PH 6.8
Tank set up for 3 years
ok heres what happened, I added 2 corys, the Molly's and pink danios slowly over the course of 2 months, so not to disturb the balance, I noticed a pink danio was really skinny but not diseased. After a week he was dead...then my other fish, a danio and a Cory were really still and sank to the bottom, they died, then today a guppy has become really skinny and is now in a trap which I'm treating with aquarium salt..... could they be diseased? I'm afraid for the other tank members as the skinniness took hold really quickly and within 48 hours they die?
I do a 20% water change every Monday.... the last fish dies Tuesday, could that be a concern?
Please help, thanks.
I'm new here but I thought I'd dive right in as I need urgent help...
I have a 300ltr tropical tank, minimal plants, recently added redmoor and sand substrate.
I currently stock
2 male guppies,
4 Molly's
4 mixes corydora
3 pink zebra danio
3 zebra danio
1 fantail goldfish
1 koi
Temp 23 degree or 73
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10
PH 6.8
Tank set up for 3 years
ok heres what happened, I added 2 corys, the Molly's and pink danios slowly over the course of 2 months, so not to disturb the balance, I noticed a pink danio was really skinny but not diseased. After a week he was dead...then my other fish, a danio and a Cory were really still and sank to the bottom, they died, then today a guppy has become really skinny and is now in a trap which I'm treating with aquarium salt..... could they be diseased? I'm afraid for the other tank members as the skinniness took hold really quickly and within 48 hours they die?
I do a 20% water change every Monday.... the last fish dies Tuesday, could that be a concern?
Please help, thanks.