I got 4 Bettas a little over a week ago, one male and 3 females .(Yes,tank was cycled) One of the females is acting oddly,sitting at the bottom and sometimes swimming up and staying there,motionless(She doesn't move her fins or anything). While the other fish basically fight over food,she shows no interest in it. I have to put food right above her for her to eat.
I doubt it could be the males fault,as he barely shows interest in the females,just protects his bubble nest when they get too close. Nobody bullies her in the tank.
I keep them in a 10 gallon heavily planted tank with filtration,room is always very warm so the temperature in the water warms up naturally(around 24C or 75F)...
What could be wrong?
I got 4 Bettas a little over a week ago, one male and 3 females .(Yes,tank was cycled) One of the females is acting oddly,sitting at the bottom and sometimes swimming up and staying there,motionless(She doesn't move her fins or anything). While the other fish basically fight over food,she shows no interest in it. I have to put food right above her for her to eat.
I doubt it could be the males fault,as he barely shows interest in the females,just protects his bubble nest when they get too close. Nobody bullies her in the tank.
I keep them in a 10 gallon heavily planted tank with filtration,room is always very warm so the temperature in the water warms up naturally(around 24C or 75F)...
What could be wrong?