Single Angel


Feb 27, 2012
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London, UK
I have moved an angelfish that was being aggressive out of my 225l tank into a 55l one.

She is now with an opaline gourami and some small fish (tetras, guppies and cories) and seems much much calmer. Probably not being challenged for the territory now!

Is it OK to leave her with no other angels long term?


It's not ideal; ideally angels should be in groups of 6+ or in mated pairs, but lone angels do ok. Mine is on his own (after he turned on his mate suddenly) and he's never acted stressed or unhappy in anyway.

Of course, she can't stay in a 55l tank for very long though; you need something bigger ASAP...
That gourami is not suited for that size tank either really. Could do with more room
Yes, I thought after I'd posted I should probably have mentioned that :blush:
Thank you both,

I think the problem is that the 225l is overstocked which is why I needed to move the angel and gourami out. In a couple of weeks I am starting a new tank at work and will be able to re-home some of the fish which should help.

Is 7 angels too much for a 225l tank, and will moving some of the little fish (like the glowlight tetras) help the angels be less territorial or are they only concerned about each other? I assume that if a tank is getting a bit crowded then it doesn't matter what is is too crowded with!


PS - would a male dwarf gourami be OK in 55l ?
What exactly is in your big tank atm?

P.S. I don't know, what's in your small tank, atm?

What exactly is in your big tank atm?

P.S. I don't know, what's in your small tank, atm?


You'll probably shout at me for both being over stocked. Before you do, the 225l is very heavily planted, and over filtered (1,400lph) which dicharges through the hood where there are three more filters, and aerated with a 90cm air curtain. I also do big water changes and the water stats are always excellent (even nitrates at zero). The stocking was based on a guide I read that advised a inch of fish per litre of water before joining this forum, however although most of the "rules" are more like guides as they don't take into account the shape of the fish and many other factors I am wanting to head nearer to the more accepted an inch per gallon.

It has, though, not including the angel and gourami in the 55l:

6 angels (some small)
5 glowlight tetras
3 gourami
4 swordtails
5 glass cats
3 small plecos (ones that don't get big)
5 zebra danios
5 kuhli loaches
8 harlequins
6 cherry barbs (I think, smaller than the harlequins and red)
4 peppered cories

The 55l has 6 black tetras, 8 cardinal tetras, 6 panda cories, 4 male guppies and the temporary angel and gourami. It is also planted and has 60cm air curtain.
I've only ever heard of the inch per gallon 'rule', which is a very vague guide at best. Inch per litre would be vastly overstocked.

however, if the tanks give zero readings for ammonia and nitrite, then the filter system is coping, so not overstoked in that sense - but the fish have very little 'personal space'.

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