Simple tank help

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You have no idea if this works or not just because he says it does. Who is he? What is his biilogical knowledge? The fish might all be dead now for all anyone knows.

Soil creates ammonia for up to six months. Fish can be killed. Most soil aquarist sources recommend a dry start, for six months. The soil has no benefit after a year, and the only--I repeat, only--benefit to soil is the initial influx of CO2. But the plants do not need this anyway. I have set up dozens of tanks in my 30 years, never lost a fish.

There is so much inaccurate and misleading "information" in this hobby, thanks to the internet, that it is mind boggling. You cannot believe a word of it.
What sand you use for cory
What sand you use for cory
Quikrete play sand. It's available at most hardware stores. It's made for children to play in. Which means that it's non-abrasive and non-toxic. It doesn't affect the water parameters. And it looks natural. It's perfect for aquariums. And it's very affordable. You could pay $5-15 for a 5 pound bag of aquarium sand or gravel. Or you could pay about $6 for a 50 lb bag of Quikrete play sand.
What sand you use for cory
Cories need fine sand, they sift through it as they eat so anything coarse or big wouldn't work. You can just have sand substrate without worrying about soil underneath.

I inadvertently kept some cories on gravel before I knew how inappropriate it was, and now that they are on sand I get to watch so much more of their natural behaviours.
Cories need fine sand, they sift through it as they eat so anything coarse or big wouldn't work. You can just have sand substrate without worrying about soil underneath.

I inadvertently kept some cories on gravel before I knew how inappropriate it was, and now that they are on sand I get to watch so much more of their natural behaviours.
Plus you can just add root tabs to the sand to grow plants in. Mulm also mixes in with the sand which is more nutrients for root feeding plants.
What sand you use for cory

Inert soft river sand. You can buy aquarium sands, just make sure they are inert (calcareous sand such as those for marine tanks and rift lake cichlid tanks dissolve minerals that slowly increase the GH, and may contain common salt (sodium chloride) which is detrimental to soft water fish.

I use Quikrete Play Sand, as sharkweek mentioned, it is safe for an aquarium, I went into this with Quikrete several years ago. It is much less expensive. I changed all my tanks in the fish room to this and never regretted it. No problems for any fish, and plants grow well in it.
Inert soft river sand. You can buy aquarium sands, just make sure they are inert (calcareous sand such as those for marine tanks and rift lake cichlid tanks dissolve minerals that slowly increase the GH, and may contain common salt (sodium chloride) which is detrimental to soft water fish.

I use Quikrete Play Sand, as sharkweek mentioned, it is safe for an aquarium, I went into this with Quikrete several years ago. It is much less expensive. I changed all my tanks in the fish room to this and never regretted it. No problems for any fish, and plants grow well in it.

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