Silly Thought About Ghost Shrimp In Fry Tank.


Fish Crazy
Jul 24, 2012
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Somewhere in the Mid west USA
SO my work load is increasing and I have 20+ Acei fry to tend to.
I intend on upping the amount of fresh hatched brine shrimp released each morning to compensate for a missed feeding here and there.
The brine should live up to 5hrs give or take in fresh water.
Would it be a bad idea to let some ghost shrimp scurry around in my fry tank to help clean up dead brine shrimp that don't get eaten?
I know the will eventually be on the menu themselves but may help keep things a bit cleaner in the short term.
that is if they can survive the 8.2ph I maintain in the fry thank.

Any thoughts?
Well due to lack of interest I'm going to scrap the shrimp idea and likely just put a young mystery snail in there.
should have a rock hard shell with the high ph lol
Cant go wrong with a snail :fun:
then again as the fry get older he might get a bit pestered.. hmmm
Maybe if lfs has some small bn when I drop by tomorrow I'll go that route.

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