silly little cory cats


Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2004
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My new cory cats are sooo cute. I was so worried because they never moved :eek:

Then I noticed my cat "Jazz Paw" staring up at the tank, for a very long time and out of the corner of my eyes I see these little guys darting around -up to the top of the tank down to the bottom and from side to side at lightning speed :blink:

As soon as I turned around to get a good look they just stopped and sat at the bottom as if nothing happened.

Okay, so I turn back around then there off again darting back and forth...true to form I turn to look and they stop.

One of my cories was resting in the corner with his tail high up on the base of my silk plant and his head resting down on a marble- he is just to cool

I've only had these cuties for a few days and I have a feeling they will bring a lot of personality to my tank :rofl:
And they do!! :kana: I have 3 peppered cories and 1 albino. I've been sitting here tonight thinking that I might want to get a few more albino ones. I haven't ever been one for albino fish, but I love my little cory! (Just wish I wouldn't have bought the pleco first, since now I know you don't NEED one in the tank.)

Anyway...have fun watching them.
I had two coys but one got a fungus and died. Then a week later my other one died sadness i guess.
Sorry for your loss, maybe you should get a few more!!

If I had known about cory fish I would not have gotten my" tiger" barbs and I would
have gotton: Cories, my honey Gouramis, platies and my cherry barbs.

Now I can't imagine my tank without cories

I like the albino one they look more playfully and little more alive.
Yeah, they are cool little guys :D
I saw some in petco, but I went with the juli now I don't have any more room
for the Albino's :(
Mine do the sitting face down into a pebble thing too :rofl:

A couple times I thought they were DEAD! :blink: while sitting like that! So I'd put my hand by the tank and they'd move and I'd be like phew!

Mine like to zip across the front of the tank in opposite directions back and forth. Its cute! :fun:
Corys are great little playful fish but they should be kept in shoals (schools) of 6 or more, they are happiest this way. I have 6 Pandas, they were tiny when I got them, they have grown a lot and love to swim up and down at the front of the glass. They tend to stay in groups of 2 or 3 rather than all together as a shoal. However I think shoaling occurs more in larger tanks with less plants and decor. It's a kind of safety in numbers thing, but when there are lots of plants in there then they have lots of hiding places and feel safer.

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