silly guy!


i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
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Funk Town
i just thought some of you might want an update on pickle (my 3 month old budgie) and how his training is coming along
well for one thing, he is over his biter phase that he went through and now that he is a bit older he wants to be just like me
he's into everything!
if i am eating anything he regurgitates seeds, and tries to get me to "trade" and regurgitate whatever i am eating for him

if i am folding laundy he lands on my hand and grabs a corner to "help me"

if i am typing then he sits on my hand and leans into the keyboard pecking certian keys

and when i talk on the phone he flies over with enthusiasm and i say "its for you" and he leans into the phone and says "hello? pickle pretty bird. pickle good boy. pickle come"
i kid you not! this bird answers AND has a conversation on the phone with himself
now he says:
"peese (please)", "i love you", "chelsey", "come her now", "Pickle is bad boy", "pickle good boy", "pretty bird", "birdy birdy", "mumumumum (mom)", "no", "pickle up", "hansome boy", "hello", AND MUCH MORE!

he constantly tells me how great he is :lol:
and his favorite song is the itsy bitsy spider (he puts his little face in my mouth when i sing it to him
and he loves it when i wisper the song
his little face becomes very consentrated as he leans his little body in to listen to the words :wub:

i am glad that i decided on not clipping his wings because he get PLENTY of exercise flying
he loves to fly in super fast circles around the room occationally swooping like a hawk at the cat
he comes when i call him and he is very good to go back into his cage as i have given him a mirror, which he is head over heals for :lol:

so yeah just givin' you a little taste of my heaven
no matter how much work they are i NEVER regret getting my animals for a day :D
today i gave him a new playground!
i'll take some pics tommorow
at first he would only step on it with one foot, the other securely
holding my finger
if i tried to take my hand away he made a little "eh" baby noise to let me know that he was scared and not yet ready
then at his leasure he stepped on his swing and after he became comfortable he triumphantly said "pickle up" leaned over (my face was right close to him) and put his little beak on my lips so that i would give him a kiss :wub:
its wierd :huh: ,
i always knew that he had it in him to talk but i never thought he would know so many words and understand alot of their meanings :D
i feal like a crazy person when i try to tell my family about the things he does, and they never beleive me until they see it themselves :look:
but the moment he does it in front of them i feal my face beaming with pride
i love my boys :wub:
WOWOWOWOWOWOW what a smart little guy! Makes me wanna go out and buy a little fellow. But i doubt i would have half as much luck as you have had!
Pickle sounds great, now me never having a birdie (cept a duck once) I'm going to ask some silly questions. What kind of bird is a budgie? How hard is it to train them like that? Are they expensive? And is pickle planning on getting married and having pickle jrs someday? :D
sumer_kay said:
Pickle sounds great, now me never having a birdie (cept a duck once) I'm going to ask some silly questions. What kind of bird is a budgie? How hard is it to train them like that? Are they expensive? And is pickle planning on getting married and having pickle jrs someday? :D
budgies are "parakeets"

here is one of many links on them:

he's the handsome boy in my avatar :wub:
alot of people i know's budgies don't say a word and only chirp or squalk
but they don't take their budgies out
it is very easy for me to train my animals but i am very dedicated
the first several months are the most important
the best way to get a budgie is hand raised and not from a store (even "hand raised" store budgies are skittish)
this will speed up the taming prosess
once your little guy is hand tame (not afraid of your hands)
baby proof your entire house and pack him around with you with every spair minute of your time
it is best only to have one bird at this point, as they need to understand that in order to be a part of your "flock" they have to cooporate and communicate with you using "big boy words" :lol:
pickle always forgets that "he's people"
he starts to squalk at me and i say "use your big boy words" and he starts to tell me in english what he wants like "up" or "down" or "see pickle good boy" (he wants his mirror) or sometimes he just wants to chat
his latest thing is singing the itsy bitsy spider to me! :hyper: although he only knows the first half or the words and then he just stops or SCREACHES so that i will sing the rest :lol:

and when he is old (in several years from now) and my carrer starts if i don't think i have as much time for him i will get him a lady friend to keep him company
but for now his girlfriend is his own reflection :* ;)
andieschweigert said:
i had a bird and he kept attacking me
Gosh, what kind of bird was it?! -_-

The only ones I ever had that would "attack me" were the rescues I had in my care. Other than that, my actual pets have never done something like that.

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