Sick Platy Fry, Not Eating


Jul 21, 2011
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One of my female platys has been hiding for 4 days now. She isn't eating either. I think something is wrong with her mouth. My other platy's mouths are pointed, but her looks kind of rounded. She also looks kind of skinny. My hospital tank is in the middle of a cycle so I put her in a breeder net in her tank. I don't have tome to test the water before I have to leave for school, but I'll check it and post the results when I get home. She's in a tank with 6 other platys (all from the same drop. 10 months old.) and 1 male endler. Can someone please tell me whats wrong with her and how I can help her heal?



Does she have a white fuzzy edge where her mouth is? If so, could be mouth fungus.

Hope to see your water stats soon, would help to know if they are also feeling off due to something off with those or not.
Have you tried giving it peas? i get boiling hot water from the sink and put peas in there to soften it then you peel and feed :good: this might help increase apitite
The water is at 77F. Ammonia is less than .25 ppm (but not quite 0), nitrite 0 ppm, and nitrate 20 ppm. pH is 7

Have you tried giving it peas? i get boiling hot water from the sink and put peas in there to soften it then you peel and feed :good: this might help increase apitite

I'll try the peas tonight when I feed them dinner.

Does she have a white fuzzy edge where her mouth is? If so, could be mouth fungus.

Hope to see your water stats soon, would help to know if they are also feeling off due to something off with those or not.

there's no sign of fungus, but her mouth looks like it's always open. I'll keep an eye on it to see if any fungus starts to show. then treat with pimafix? or should I start pimafix now, just in case?
Have you cycled the tank? Ammonia should be 0.. Do a water change.

The tank is fully cycled. My tap water has 2 ppm ammonia in it. So when I do water changes (did one today) the ammonia in my tank goes up. I only change 2 gallons at a time.
She passed away this morning. Thank you for your help.
Oh, sorry for your loss. R.I.P. It is a good idea to find the root of the problem if it has not always been like that, who knows, there could be something she swallowed or.....

Lets hope it does not happen again to your to your other fish.
it's aload of nonsense feeding peas to fish when they are ill and not eating if you want to get them to eat. feed them live foods feed them the proper foods thet a fish really need live food.
I don't have access to live food. I do have frozen blood worms and brine shrimp! and I have freeze-dried blood worms.
I mentioned live food as it is more benefiting to feed to sick fish then feeding peas The next best food is frozen food, blood worms and brine shrimp are very good to feed to all fish. however freeze dried foods are not very good i personally Wouldn't waste my money on freeze dried.

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