we have a community tank - platy's, mollies, neon tetra's, a betta and some peppered cory's
2 of the platy's appear to have clamped fin - not fanning their caudal fin or moving their back halves very much, swimming a bit wobbly
everyone else is fine.
Should we medicate the entire tank? Or separate the ill fish - will this lead to more stress and impact them further?
50 gallon tank
fluval 306
2 air stones
ammonia - 0
nitrites - 0
nitrates - 10
pH - 7.3
we're new to the world of community tanks so could use all the advice we can get
we have a community tank - platy's, mollies, neon tetra's, a betta and some peppered cory's
2 of the platy's appear to have clamped fin - not fanning their caudal fin or moving their back halves very much, swimming a bit wobbly
everyone else is fine.
Should we medicate the entire tank? Or separate the ill fish - will this lead to more stress and impact them further?
50 gallon tank
fluval 306
2 air stones
ammonia - 0
nitrites - 0
nitrates - 10
pH - 7.3
we're new to the world of community tanks so could use all the advice we can get