Sick Platy - Advice Please


Mostly New Member
Jun 16, 2014
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we have a community tank - platy's, mollies, neon tetra's, a betta and some peppered cory's
2 of the platy's appear to have clamped fin - not fanning their caudal fin or moving their back halves very much, swimming a bit wobbly
everyone else is fine.
Should we medicate the entire tank?  Or separate the ill fish - will this lead to more stress and impact them further?
50 gallon tank
fluval 306
2 air stones
ammonia - 0
nitrites - 0
nitrates - 10
pH - 7.3
we're new to the world of community tanks so could use all the advice we can get
Have you added any new fish or decorations recently? Do you see anything that isn't normal on the fish? What color is their poop? A photo will also help.
nothing new had been added, there are no signs of parasites, ick or velvet.  Poop is a health beige colour and I'll see what I can do to upload a photo
sorry I should have mentioned we have only had them for a couple of weeks - the tanks was cycled completely and we got all female mollies and platys but of course they were all pregnant - I'm hoping it is just stress?  I'm really not sure though.  If it's not and I see no signs of anything how do I treat and will it infect my entire tank?  I depends on what it is right?

not a great pic, but she's still pretty active


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I am not sure, I don't think it would be caused by stress. Has she given birth lately? 
possibly, we've picked 2 or maybe 3 batches of fry out of the tank, but with 3 mollies and 9 platy's, it's hard to tell who they belong to
There are 2 platy's who are not moving their caudal fins at all

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