Sick Molly (again..)


Fish Crazy
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Minnesota, USA
I have a 55 gallon tank. With mollies, guppies, angels, cories, pleco, and platies. I started out with 6 mollies (2 silver, 2 black, and 2 dalmatian). About 2 weeks ago one of my black mollies was just sitting on the bottom of the tank, not moving much. Died a few days after. About 1 and a half weeks ago I found 1 silver molly fry, been raising it and it's doing great. Today I just noticed that the silver male molly is swimming funny. It's pretty much shaking instead of swimming, and it also seems to be swimming vertically with it's head down a lot. I think the black molly that died before was doing this also before it passed. My other fish have all been fine, why am I having troubles with my mollies? I also just read that mollies are usually brackish fish? Is this why this is happening? Is it safe to add salt in my tank with cories and my pleco? I'm upset my LFS didn't tell me this about mollies -.-


This disease is named for the curious behavior seen in afflicted fish. Fish will swim with an odd, shimmying movement of the body. If left untreated, the afflicted fish will become unable to swim and will sit on the bottom, listlessly shimmying. This disease affects mostly livebearers, and particularly Mollies.


Cause unkown but may be due to a variety of numerous pathogens, including protozoan, bacterial, and fungal.


Isolate the fish in a hospital tank and increase the temperature to 85�F (27�C). Treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic. Also ensure that the water chemistry is within acceptable ranges. Livebearers' should always be kept in water that has a pH of 7.8 - 8.3 and a hardness of 15�DH+.


What is your temp set at?
I thought it was that :(

Are my mollies okay without salt in the water?
Is it contagious?
How successful do you think I will be with saving it, doing what you said?

My temp has been at 78F, and I guess I will do another water test now.

I don't have a hospital tank, do you recommend I go get a 10 gallon? I think it is only $10 at my LSF. I have a spare heater but, I wouldn't have a filter for it. How much are power filters for a 10 gallon?
Mollies do better in brackish water.
What about having another tank just for mollies.

What is your tank PH?

I wouldn't advise using antibiotics in main tank. As it will wipe all the beneficial bacteria out in
the filter.

Sorry, but I can't answer the questions on filter prices as I live in the UK.
But it is wise to have a hospital tank. Also doubles up as a quarantine tank.

You don't always need filter in a hospital tank as antibiotics wipe the beneficial bacteria out
anyway. Just an airstone for when using antibiotics, heater.
Just got a 10 gallon and more air tube line. I will get it set up now. I will look into getting a brackish tank setup for my mollies later :)

My current tanks are about 8.0 on ph, my tap water has that ph.
The PH is fine for mollies.

Let me know how you get on if you don't mind.

Good Luck. Hope the sick fish pulls throw.
How long after I add the medication should I do a water change? It doesn't say in the directions :(

Here is a picture of my hospital tank before I added my molly and the medication:

Which med are you using?

Nice tank.
How is the fish?
That's good news.
If anymore problems don't hesitate to post.

Good Luck.

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