Fish Crazy
I have a 55 gallon tank. With mollies, guppies, angels, cories, pleco, and platies. I started out with 6 mollies (2 silver, 2 black, and 2 dalmatian). About 2 weeks ago one of my black mollies was just sitting on the bottom of the tank, not moving much. Died a few days after. About 1 and a half weeks ago I found 1 silver molly fry, been raising it and it's doing great. Today I just noticed that the silver male molly is swimming funny. It's pretty much shaking instead of swimming, and it also seems to be swimming vertically with it's head down a lot. I think the black molly that died before was doing this also before it passed. My other fish have all been fine, why am I having troubles with my mollies? I also just read that mollies are usually brackish fish? Is this why this is happening? Is it safe to add salt in my tank with cories and my pleco? I'm upset my LFS didn't tell me this about mollies -.-