Sick Guppie

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Mar 9, 2012
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Hi, This is my very first time owning fish and have had a new fish tank set up now for about 2 months. I have 5 neon tetras, 4 guppies and 5 mollies. They have all been doing very well and i haven't lost any fish yet. At the moment though one of my guppies has a very large swollen stomach and seems to be just staying at the top of the tank and moving slowly every now and then. he does seem to be gasping constantly. i have fed my fish mushy peas and my fat guppie is the only one that wont eat the peas. i did a water change today and every thing is fine with the water and all my other fish seem very happy. Just wondering if i should remove the fat guppie so the others dont get sick 2?? is there anything i can do for him or is he dying slowly =(
thanks Bel =)
Are you sure it's a "he"? Can you post a photo?

I was going to ask the same thing. :good: Female guppies get fat when they are pregnant. When they are about to give birth, they will rest and have increased breathing. If you don't know how to sex guppies, the males tend to be the more colourful ones but to be sure look that the fins underneath their body. Females will have triangular fins and males have a longer pointed fin. Once you see the difference, you can miss it.
Thanks everyone, but sadly he passed away last night :-( All my other fishy's r doing really well though :D

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