Sick Gourami And Possible White Spot On Rummy Nose?


Mostly New Member
Mar 11, 2014
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Hey all,
I'm hoping someone can offer some advice, I've only had fish in my tank for just under two weeks and already I am having problems :( I did a fishless cycle that took me just over five weeks, and I haven't had any ammonia or nitrite readings since I put the fish in. Yesterday I noticed my male pearl gourami was acting a bit off, he isn't eating and is basically just floating around. Him and the female usually swim right up to the front of the tank in the morning when I turn the light on and feed them and this morning he was just kind of resting at the bottom of the tank, he did swim up after a while but still didn't eat. His fins seem to be tigher to his body than usual, kind of tense and a bit pale, other than that he looks normal. He isn't swimming with the female pearl either, usually they are inseperable.
Now unfortuantly I am also having a problem with one of my rummy nose tetras, they were added one week ago, one week after the gouramis. I noticed this morning that one of them has a white spot on the top of his head, where the red ends. I suppose it's probably ich/white spot, but I'm not sure what the best course of action would be. The rummy nose seems to be acting fine, still swimming around normally. I checked the gourami to see if there was any sign of it on him and there isn't.
It's stressful having fish not feeling well :( I've put so much work into the tank and making sure everything was perfect before I added anything to the tank, I'm choked I'm having issues already. I'm really worried about the gourami though, he is my favourite and I think I got lucky the the two of them get along so well. Thanks in advance for any advice.
Tank size: 45 gallons, lightly planted
pH: 7.5-7.8
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: Around 30-40
kH: Don't have the test
gH: Don't have the test
tank temp: 78

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): See above

Volume and Frequency of water changes: I did a 15% water change on Monday, I plan on doing them weekly. I did a 40% water change the day before I put the gouramis in, after the cycle was complete.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: I put in a nutrafin tap water conditioner to remove chlorine when I did the water changes, and an aquarium plant fertiizer called leaf zone.

Tank inhabitants: 2 pearl gouramis (Mr. and Mrs. Pearl) and 6 rummy nose tetras

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): The rummy nose tetras were added one week ago, one week after the gouramis.

Exposure to chemicals: None?

Digital photo (include if possible): Can't at the moment, will try when I am home later if nessecary.
Note: I don't have a quarantine tank yet, that was something that I didn't think of/read about when I was cycling my tank, so everyone will have to stay in the main tank for now.
Update: As I was leaving the house I checked on the gourami again and I noticed his poop was stringy and white, this would indicate he has some sort of parasite, right?
That seems about right, I have also heard it can be a bacterial infection.  Can you separate the fish in a different tank? 
What's the make of the test kit you are using please?
What do you feed your fish?
How big is the spot on the head. As columnaris spots can present themselves on the head area.
They will be a greyish white. Sometimes with a pink, or red centre to the spot, Or a circling or red or pink around the out side of the spot
Long stringy white poo can mean many things from to many dried foods which lead to constipation, bacterial infection, internal parasites.
So try peas first.
Cook frozen peas for a few minutes. Let them cool down. Pop out of shell and chop into small piece and add to the tank..
Also daphnia is also a good laxative.
Thanks for the replies! I have the Nutrafin master test kit. Right now I am just feeding flake food. The rummy nose with the white spot died overnight a couple days ago, he was acting completely normal when I checked on them before bed but the next morning he was dead :( I googled columnaris spots and thats not what it looked like, I'm not sure what it was but it isn't on any of the other fish.
I went to the LFS on Saturday and talked to one of the guys there (they seem to actually know what they are talking about there) and when I described the gouramis behaviour he said it probably is a parasite seeing as how lethargic he is combined with the white poop. I took the carbon out of my filter and treated the tank with PraziPro, the active ingredient is praziquantel. Today he came out of hiding when I fed them and ate a couple bites for the first time in quite a few days, so I'm hoping he is on the mend. Unfortunatley I think the female pearl might be bullying him too, I noticed when he does come out and swim him around she chases him away, so that's probably not helping. I'm not sure if getting another female might help or if it would just make things worse?
I will try feeding peas too, thank you!

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