Sick Fish And Dumb Owner


New Member
Aug 8, 2012
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I got a betta about three weeks ago and it has been having issues ever since. I thought it was cycling problems, but I have since concluded that the shot glass I put in the tank was not fish safe. While I thought it was all glass, I discovered later part of it was glued on. Hindsight being 20/20 it was a dumb idea to put it in.
I removed the shot glass, did a 50% water change, and increased the flow on my filter. Now I'm not sure what to do to help the fish survive. He is clearly on the verge of death, and I'm desperate for ideas. Any thoughts?
make sure that he is able to reach the surface of the water easily, shallow water is best. and all you can do is let nature take its course. if he wants to live he will if he doesn't then he wont. oh and make sure you don't stress him out. lights on low and leave him with no other fish.
make sure that he is able to reach the surface of the water easily, shallow water is best. and all you can do is let nature take its course. if he wants to live he will if he doesn't then he wont. oh and make sure you don't stress him out. lights on low and leave him with no other fish.

Thank you! Turned off the lights around the bowl and hoping for the best.
Does the filter have any carbon in it? Carbon is good at removing organic matter from the water and contaminants from the glue or the glued on bit will probably be organic.

However, it might well be that the betta was sick when you got him.
Does the filter have any carbon in it? Carbon is good at removing organic matter from the water and contaminants from the glue or the glued on bit will probably be organic.

However, it might well be that the betta was sick when you got him.

It is a sponge filter, so no carbon. The fish is still alive and seems to be slightly improving. I'm going to do another large water change tonight and hope for the best.
If you can't put carbon into the filter, water changes alone will help, lots of them. If something did get into the water from the shot glass, they'll dilute it.
I keep a small internal filter in the cupboard just for using carbon when it's necessary.
The spare filter is a really good idea.

So far the fish is alive, but the outlook is not good. I removed everything from the bowl, except the live plant, because he injured himself on the decorations. I'm optimistically getting the water ready for another large water change tomorrow, but I doubt he will make it.
Sadly, the fish didnt make it. I think the high volume of water changes needed to remove the glue residue caused even more stress and ultimately his death. It is a tough way to learn a lesson about using aquarium safe decorations.
I'm sorry to heat that. It could well have been the combination of things the shot glass, cycling etc. The water changes were necessary (and always are during a fsh-in cycle let alone for removing contamination) but they could have stressed an already sick fish.

There are a few things you can use in an aquarium other than those made for aquarium use. I use terracotta plant pots as caves, for instance, they are fish safe. When in doubt, ask here before using anything.

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