sick cory


New Member
Oct 24, 2004
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I have a sick cory I am after some help on clarifying the disease and what how to help. I think that he has a fungus on his face he has a white raised deformity on the right side of his face but his whole front of his face has been eaten away (slight exageration) but he doesn't have lips anymore just an open pink area where they used to be. I have dosed the tank with triple sulfa this is said to be for mouth and body fungus. I have read that salting the tank can be soothing on the ulsers and help them heal quicker but I am reluctant to do this as I have baby guppies which I have bred myself in the tank with him and I would be devastated if I wiped out all my fishies. please help :-(
You won't want to use salt as cories don't tolerate it.Is it possible for you to isolate him from your other fish to prevent any spread of disease?And then you'd want to look for a medicine that is safe for cories.Hope that helps.Someone else will be along who can probably give you more information on the treatment.

Hi treen :)

I wish you had posted sooner, because you have a big problem there. :sad:

Your cory is in an advanced stage of a bacterial infection. The damage that has already been done might be irreversible. On the other hand, there might still be hope and if you can get him to eat and heal, the barbels might grow back a bit.

It is well into the middle of the night and I just don't have time to tell you everything I would like to, but I will post again tomorrow. In the meanwhile, I have heard good things about the medicine you are using. Keep it up and see if it will help.

Would you please tell me the Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate readings and the temperature of your water? It's very important that you find out what caused this disease and correct it so that your guppies will not get it too. Since something stressed your cory enough that his immune system was compromised and he got infected, the same thing might be effecting your other fish.

Please give me some more information about the size and stocking of your tank, how often you do water changes and how big they are, and anything about the course of this disease that you can think of.

I really hate to see sick corys and will do what I can to help you.
Just an update the cory was swimming around this morning and the ulcer has covered over it is not red and raw looking. He is still looking quite deformed but seems happier and is eating. I decided not to salt the tank and am glad I didn't after reading the advice also. I gave the tank the full recomended dose as on the instructions for the medication. Will keep everyone posted.
Thanks for the advice. Also the guppies seem to be unaffected. Also I believe the cause was my fault not cleaning the crushed up left over flake from the gravel.
thanks for all the advice :)
Hi treen :)

I'm glad you posted back about your cory. :nod:

You are most likely doing the right thing by giving your cory the full dose of the medicine. If it is intended for bacterial infections/finrot, it will not hurt him and will probably do him a lot of good.

I hope you let me know how he makes out, and that you join us by regularly posting on the forum once he has recovered. :D

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