Sick Betta


New Member
Feb 12, 2012
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Hi all,

so my poor little betta has been under the weather for a while now. I noticed he wasn't looking too good and acting a bit lethargic a few weeks ago, and the symptoms seemed to point to an internal bacteria infection. He was getting bloated quite easily and on top of that he also had the beginning of fin rot. I treated him with maracyn two for ten days and definitely noticed an improvement in his behavior. He is now acting quite healthy and back on his normal feeding schedule without any bloating. The fin rot however, seems to be getting worse quickly. I've been doing water changes to his 12 gal tank every other day and I don't know what else I can do. Should I start him on the maracyn again? We're also having a bit of a heater crisis, so his tank is without an active heat source at the moment. It isn't dropping below 70 thankfully, but it's still rather low, about 72 generally. I try raise the temp with each water change, but I don't know if the fluctuations in temp could make him worse.

Any help would be appreciated.


I'll try to post pics in the morning if it'll help.

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