Fish Crazy
A week or so ago I bought three 2" Paraibo Blushing angelfish (the smallest one has black marbling on his fins and head). They seemed fine until three days later when the small one began hiding at the bottom behind plants. He was still eating though and I assumed he was fine. Now he looks OK except for some round, hazy white spots on his fins.
Then the other two started showing symptoms. One was stuck to the filter yesterday and died without recovering the ability to swim at all. The other big angel's right pectoral fin is clamped to his body and is a dark pinkish color and droopy looking...he keeps hiding also and also has fin spots. Both are eating, though the larger one's eating is lethargic. I don't know what to do. Please help! Would a salt bath help at all?
Thanks in advance!
A week or so ago I bought three 2" Paraibo Blushing angelfish (the smallest one has black marbling on his fins and head). They seemed fine until three days later when the small one began hiding at the bottom behind plants. He was still eating though and I assumed he was fine. Now he looks OK except for some round, hazy white spots on his fins.
Then the other two started showing symptoms. One was stuck to the filter yesterday and died without recovering the ability to swim at all. The other big angel's right pectoral fin is clamped to his body and is a dark pinkish color and droopy looking...he keeps hiding also and also has fin spots. Both are eating, though the larger one's eating is lethargic. I don't know what to do. Please help! Would a salt bath help at all?
Thanks in advance!