Sick Angels (White Fin Spots, Lethargy, Clamped And Dark Pink Right Pe

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Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2013
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A week or so ago I bought three 2" Paraibo Blushing angelfish (the smallest one has black marbling on his fins and head). They seemed fine until three days later when the small one began hiding at the bottom behind plants. He was still eating though and I assumed he was fine. Now he looks OK except for some round, hazy white spots on his fins.
Then the other two started showing symptoms. One was stuck to the filter yesterday and died without recovering the ability to swim at all. The other big angel's right pectoral fin is clamped to his body and is a dark pinkish color and droopy looking...he keeps hiding also and also has fin spots. Both are eating, though the larger one's eating is lethargic. I don't know what to do. Please help! Would a salt bath help at all?
Thanks in advance!
did you cycle your tank? 
how long have you had the tank
what cycle did you do?
fin rot looks like the fins are just breaking away, white and in extreme cases (mine anways back in the day) go yellow and the whole fin falls off.
how big is the tank? a single and should have 30 gallons to itself.. and if you get another one have another 30 gallons and so on so forth.. in time these guys get huge.
what other fish are with them
add pictures, it'll really help with what to do with the fish...
if they are eating then its a good sign... 
what are the stats of the tank.
are you doing weekly water changes? angels can be very finicky and with untreated water will drop like flies.
if you take the fish out, and put it in a salt bath it'll stress it out even more...
if you think it is fin rot treat for it.. metaflex is great, and you can add in salts... 1 teaspoon to every 3 gallons... if you have cories, snails, or any fish that doesn't have scales it'll burn them and is horrible to do.
Tank stats are as follows:
63 gallons (240L) with 100L sump system
Has been set up for at least 2 months (with fish, I had to rescue some so couldn't do a fishless cycle)
Fine white sand (I've been told that's silica and "releases a gas into the water that hurts the fish", though I don't believe that)
Some live plants (Amazon sword, hornwort, corkscrew val)
pH 6.0 at last test (have no test kit for anything)
Stocking is as follows:
Many ramshorn snails
The 2 remaining angels
1 male betta
3 peppered cories
1 zebra danio
10 guppy fry
The other fish are unaffected by this strange illness. They occasionally 'flash' against the sand, but were doing so before the introduction of the angels.
The angels' fins are completely intact.
Now the remaining white angel isn't moving. Help please! I don't wanna lose him too!
Don't treat with salt because of your snails. if you could remove the snails though i have had excellent success using the heat and salt treatment to eradicate white spot. The warmer water speeds up the life cycle of the parasite and the salt kills the lower life forms in the tank. This is of course if the disease is white spot.
It's not white spot, but out of desperation I did a 5 minute salt dip and it seems to have worked (the fish is swimming around a bit more and has eaten some, though he is still lethargic and very still and shy most of the time). The salt dip was 1tsp of aquarium salt in a 1L yogurt container, and I repeated it three times over the course of two days. I did it to all my other fish (except the cories), as a preventive measure and as a way of dealing with their flashing. All seems well enough, except for the angels.
The really sick angel, the big white one, is now losing chunks of the tips of his fins, so I suspect finrot. The whole tip of his dorsal and anal fins is gone
Any suggestions?

P.S. You guys should've seen the fishes' reactions to the salt! The angels sort of tipped over and then freaked out once back in their tank, the betta freaked out in the salt dip, the zebra jumped out, and the guppies loved it!

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