Sick Angelfish


Mostly New Member
Nov 16, 2015
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This is my first proper post so thought i'd make it a good one. I have an angelfish which I think is sick but not sure what's wrong. I initially though he'd been in a fight but now i'm pretty sure he's picked up a bug. I'm attaching a pic and if anyone knows what might be wrong i'd certainly appreciate some advice
Thank you
I can't see much in your pic, I'm afraid.
Could you post some more details of what is wrong, plus a description of your tank and stocking, along with any water test results you might have please?
These holes in his body are the thing he means I guess. It doesn't look very healthy to me but I can't come with a diagnosis right now.
It it possible to get another picture without a flash? As the flash will mess up the picture. 
But some standard other questions, just to be sure. Which are the other inhabitants? What are the water parameters and temperature? Does the fish have other unusual behavior?
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I've got LED lighting in my tank so I can't get a proper shot of him without the flash...sorry.
Tank : 280 Litres
Angelfish x 2
Silver Dollars x 2
Tiger Barbs x 3
Golden Barbs x 5
Ruby Barbs x 2
Black Phantom Tetras x 3
Pleco x 1
Striped Barbs x 2
Penguin Tetras x 2
Water Temp : 26 Degrees
PH 7.6
KH 7.6
NO2 0
NO3 75
He's feeding but just barely. He's moving around the tank ok. There are what seem like holes underneath his eyes and the skin around his gils is white and puffy.
Due to the fact that it are holes, I would guess Hexamita. The thing is though that normally this disease concentrates around the head. So I cant explain all the holes in the body.
Bases on the extra information it could also be wounds, at least to some extend. As the tiger barbs (P. tetrazona) are very likely to harass your fish. They aren't kept with enough and there numbers should be minimal 10. If you keep them with less they can become evil masters and start bully other fish.
Besides that, NO3 (0-20)and pH (5-6) should be lower. This could be an indication for Hexamita as well. KH should be between 0-5.
Just commenting on the present fish stocking...almost all of the species named (the barbs and tetras) should be in groups of at least six, preferably more.  And as Bubbelzzz correctly noted, Tiger Barb need 10+.  But before you start increasing any of the shoaling species, you need to sort out the issue obviously.  But also recognize that angelfish are not suitable tankmates for any of the barbs [I am leaning to the view that this is the issue here, but can't be certain].
A note on the photos...try using the timer (without the flash), or if you must use the flash, direct the camera at an angle to the tank glass rather than basically straight on.
Well since yesterday both of his small front fins have fallen off. He's still swimming fairly normally but barely eating
After 3 40% water changes this week, the NO3 levels are back to normal and the PH has dropped a little to around 6.5
Regarding the Tiger Barbs, I knew they were a little aggressive before I put them in but thought that 3 would be enough. I haven't noticed them bullying other fish and generally they just do their own thing in the tank.
I would guess that now he has lost fins, it is a disease rather than the result of a fight or bullying. Also, I don't think my water changes have been adequate (25% every 10 days). so I think i'll increase that to 50% per week. What medication should I get to  help with Hexamita from the local pet store ?
Thanks again for the help everyone.
Did the fins actually fall off? They weren't eaten or plucked by the barbs? Especially P. tetrazona is famous for its plucking of long fins.
Is he still in the tank with the other fish? Or moved to his own tank? In the case he is still with the others, I would suggest he would be moved to another tank as he most likely was bullied/attacked. If he was moved to another tank it will most likely be a disease. However, I'm not shure whether it is Hexamita as that doesn't explain how fins could fall off.
At last I want to say that I'm with Byron, I think that bulling is the cause of the problem.
I'll be honest with you i'm not sure, as I would consider myself an amateur. I've only been doing this for a couple of years. I never thought Tiger barbs were that vicious and I've certainly never seen them even chasing another fish in the aquarium....but maybe it's happening at night ?.
     I don't actually have another tank to move him into.  I saw a breeding box in the pet shop the other day which was quite large so I might buy it and move him into that. If he improves then I know he was bullied and i'll bring the Tiger barbs back to the shop.
Thanks for your help with this
I would rehome the tiger barbs now, tbh honest. It almost certainly is them, they are actually very aggressive fish. When I kept them, I had around 18 (it varied a bit over the years), and I still invariably had one or two females missing a tail :/ My son always said, if they were any bigger, they'd be terrifying (and I say this as someone who really loves tiger barbs!).
I wouldn't put the angel in a breeding box; it'll be too small and will stress him out further. I would use a med that treats fungus and bacterial infections, so the wounds have a chance to heal without getting infected. Myxazin is good, if you can get it.

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