Shy Panda Cory's


Oct 16, 2013
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I have put my panda Cory's into my tank and I was wondering if anyone has had the same experience as me because I put them in and all they seem to be doing is hiding. Will the come out when they have settled in or do they have a tendency to hide a lot. I have 6 in my tank and the other fish were interested to start with but now they have all settled down. Hope you can help from Tom
Cories in general can be quite skittish. 6 is the minimum recommended number, they will feel happier with higher numbers, but 6 is OK. Give them a while to settle in.
Ok thank you for that but if they are no better by Friday I think I will increase there numbers to 8 or 10 so that they feel more secure would this work and also would my 110 litre tank with a filter designed for a 140 litre tank be able to cope with
10 five banded barbs
5 honey gourami
2 apistogramma cacatuoides
8 to 10 panda Cory's or should I just leave it at 6

Also do you know anything about the apsitos

Thanks for all to your help from Tom
How did you acclimatise them? Pandas seem to be more delicate than other corys these days.
I tried to drip acclimatise them but did not have the correct equipment so I put there bag in the water for 10 minutes. Then after than I added some tank water every 10 min and did this 3 times. So there bag was in the water and had tank water in there for 40 minutes and do you think I should get some more to go with them or leave them at 6. Also I got all 6 for £16 I was amazed at the price and do you know anything about apistogramma cacatuiodes from Tom
In that case they're probably just getting used to their change of surroundings, they should soon settle down.
Maybe tomorrow offer them some bloodworm or brine shrimp, that should get them out & about.
Sorry, never had apistos, ask in the cichlid section
Ok thank you very much for your help and the Cory's are so cute they are defiantly my favourite Cory.
the tank would be overstocked  considering its size--I think one Gourami with those other fish you mentioned would be more suitable -- I wouldn't add any more corys
Would you say it's stocked correctly at the minute then and also is there anything you can see from this picture that might indicate why some of the pandas don't want to come out thanks for the help from Tom


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You have been told several times on your multitude of threads that you're overstocked.
If it was my tank I'd rehome at least 2 gourami & possibly a couple of the barbs
The pandas are new & will come out eventually, what temp is the tank at?
I will rehome 1 male and 1 female gourami and 4 barbs to make the tank stocked correctly and the temperature is at 24 Celsius
Updated stocking list
I took all 10 five banded barbs back and got 4 more panda and I asked for 6 neons but ended up with 8
So I now have
5 honey gourami
10 panda Cory
8 neon tetra
2 apistogramma cacatuoibes.

Is this stocking better. I know I have the same amount of fish but these ones will stay much smaller which would be better for the tank is that correct and if not I can move two gourami to my top tank if need be from Tom
Your Panda's are probably shy because you're keeping Appisto Cacatuoides as well. Keeping these two fish is asking for problems and sure if the Cacas will have eggs fry. They both live mainly at / just above the bottom. Read threads about this combination going wrong at several forums (Holland, UK, US, aso). A lot of damaged / killed Panda's I am afraid !!!! BTW Gourami is the Latin word for floatingplant (Not true / joking, but they need them) Cheers Aad
The pandas have come out of there shells and are really characters, the apistogramma and the pandas are getting on really well at the minute but I do understand that problems can arise as the apistogramma are preparing a sunken ship to lay there eggs in and the pandas are swimming in there sometimes but the apistogramma don't seem to mind they just let the panda swim in and out. Also I do have some floating plants in my tank too from Tom

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