Shy Betta


New Member
Jan 4, 2012
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I picked up a betta on monday and he seems perfectly healthy (eating, colourful etc) and is not being harassed by any of my other fishes (1 bristlenose, 6 xray tetra, 4 mollys, 4 corydoras) but still spends 95% of his time hiding in the background of the plants.

I was wondering if I should remove some plants to encourage him to come out more or leave him be for a while longer, I worry a little that he wont be getting enough food if he only surfaces at the end of feeding time for a couple of odd flake pieces.
Some Bettas take quite a while to settle in.
It could be he's intimidated by the mollies as they are quite large & he could see them as a threat.
I'd leave the plants as they are as they'll make him feel more secure
He will take a few days to settle, once he realises you bring food he should be out when he sees you :)
Masami: The best way to get a shy fish to show itself more is to make sure it has plenty of hiding places. It works with livebearers, cichlids and even bettas. The heavier the planting, the safer the fish feel.
I have a HM boy who was very shy when I brought him home. It took several weeks for him to become bolder, but he did come around eventually. Even now that he's "adjusted," and happy in his home, he's not nearly as brash as my other boys, lol.

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