Shrimps Cohabiting With Danios?


May 28, 2013
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so yea basically as the title says,
are there any species of shrimp which can live beside danios without being eaten?
thanks in advance.
Most shrimp species should be okay because Danios have such small mouths. As long as the shrimp doesn't fit in the Danios mouth, it should be okay :)
keep in mind there are some larger danios but basically what BLF said.
That depends on the species of Danio. If it's something like a Pearl or Zebra danio, cherry shrimp and amano shrimp will be perfectly fine with it. However, it it's a larger species of danio, only Amano shrimp will be unharmed.
thanks for all the information.
would planting my tank help if the shrimp were to breed?
i think theyll breed no matter what, but it would help the survival rate.
Amanos will be safest by far plus you won't have to worry about breeding.
i have zebra and leopard danios. 
do amanos not breed then?
Amano's don't breed in freshwater :)
You should be fine with most shrimp then, as long as they can't fit in the Danios mouth. Beware that some of the baby shrimp may be eaten.
Blondielovesfish said:
Amano's don't breed in freshwater

You should be fine with most shrimp then, as long as they can't fit in the Danios mouth. Beware that some of the baby shrimp may be eaten.
They do breed in freshwater, there larvae can live up to two days with saltinity actually.
Yes. Quite a common shrimp to buy from LFS.
Not sure where you are based, in UK, Maidenhead Aquatic quite often have Amanos, I saw some in Croydon Maidenhead Aquatics today, think they were 3 for £15 or something like that.
ncguppy830 said:
Amano's don't breed in freshwater

You should be fine with most shrimp then, as long as they can't fit in the Danios mouth. Beware that some of the baby shrimp may be eaten.
They do breed in freshwater, there larvae can live up to two days with saltinity actually.
Learn something new everyday I guess :)
live in somerset so there is a maidenhead in wellington and also sanders garden centre.
im really getting tempted by the idea now,
what sort of dietary requirements do they have?
best water temp etc?
just bought 4 cherry shrimp.
hopefully they wont be eaten
i'll keep you posted.

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