Fish Gatherer
So I used to have cherry shrimp and they mainly ate algae and scavenged for fish food too. Then I'd feed them shrimp specific food and they'd die within 1-2 days (some, not all at once). They are all gone now.
SO..... I've had amano shrimp for awhile now... no incident. The algae is really getting under control so I started feeding them shrimp food every so many days to supplement their diet and.... 2 of my 5 have died as same as the cherries did!
I am completely writing off shrimp food! I have no good experience with it!
Will my amanos be fine with the same food as my honey gourami? I will put in some algae wafers as well and I should get a courgette and do that from time to time.
SO..... I've had amano shrimp for awhile now... no incident. The algae is really getting under control so I started feeding them shrimp food every so many days to supplement their diet and.... 2 of my 5 have died as same as the cherries did!
I am completely writing off shrimp food! I have no good experience with it!
Will my amanos be fine with the same food as my honey gourami? I will put in some algae wafers as well and I should get a courgette and do that from time to time.