Shrimp For A Coldwater Tank?


Mostly New Member
Jun 17, 2013
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I was wondering whether there are any Shrimp that can be kept in a coldwater tank, with Goldfish? The reason I ask is that PetsAtHome seem to advertise certain Shrimp as 'temperate' and suitable to be kept with Goldfish. Is this right? I've not seen any other Aquatic stores advertise Shrimp for coldwater tanks.
Would a Shrimp need to be a specific size before it can be safely kept with Goldfish?
There are a few species of shrimp that will be OK at gold fish temps. Provided that temp is somewhere between 17 - 23deg.
Crystals, Tigers and Amanos would all be fine in that range.
As for size, I would imagine if your goldy could fit it in it's mouth, it would eat any shrimp it could... 
Pets at Home shouldn't advertise that they can be kept with Goldfish, just at their temperature, well more as FM said, towards 17+. Store temperatures in their coldwater tanks are normally around 20-22 anyway. They should be in with the Variatus Platys or Assorted Danios. 
Although I do know we have some Amano Shrimp in with our large fancy Goldfish, I've never seen them try and eat them, fancies are just too slow I think, too derp. Never with the normal Goldfish though.
I had one colleague stupidly put Amano Shrimp in with the Paradise Fish that some stores sell too, they were all dead the next day!
I would think the goldfish would eat the shrimp. I have seen them devour guppies. I wouldnt recommend this

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