Shrimp Body Laying On Substrate?


Fish Herder
Oct 12, 2012
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There's this little body of a shrimp that's white/clear and LOOKS like a shell and blows around in the water lifelessly, but when I touch it, it feels like jelly and mush. I'm not too sure if the shrimp shed it's shell (I cant find any) and got stressed to death or why the shell would be occupied/soft?
My water is extremely hard, and all other stats NH3/NO2/NO3 are 0.
If it looks like anghist shrimp best way i can explain it and with your description sounds like a moult shrumps often do this and a sign your shrimp are doing good
Definantly sounds like you have found your first moulted skin/ shell of your shrimp, and nothing to worry about.
Dead shrimp usually go a red colour making them looked like cooked prawns.
Well I'm glad it was just a molt then. I would have figured that a molt would just be an empty shell that was hollow on the inside. What is this jelly?
Do you still have the skin/ shell in the tank? Could you get a photo?
If the shell is not hollow, then it sounds like the moult was a fail and the shrimp might have died in the process, although usually a dead shrimp goes the colour of a cooked prawn.
Sounds like a molt to me. Usually the other shrimp will dispose of the discarded shell with no worries.
Somehow it seems the shrimp body turned from jelly to a hollow shell... 

In other news, I was distracted because one of my shrimps just fell with gravity towards the substrate, when I saw a male shrimp on her back. She hit the substrate and jumped back up a few times. I saw an egg drop inside of her, and then another. The male shrimp jumped off of her and more eggs starting filling her insides. She was laying on her side and back for a little while, unable to get to her feet. More male shrimps approached her but she jumped and fled until her saddle vanished. It took a little time to get to her feet, but now she seems to be doing fine.
Congrats, in approx a month you should have some shrimplets to watch out for.
my shrimp do this exact same thing, here is a pretty cool picture of one shrimp that did it. it left its shell in the plant, it looks like its still sitting there:
Thanks for the pic Ellie. ;) That happened to me the other day and I removed the jelly body and then thought I killed the shrimp.
The male shrimps have been buzzing around very merrily in my tank, though I havent seen much of the females. I have one batch of nearly a month old shrimps chillin in the tank and another batch of nearly a week old shrimps chillin in the hatchery. Here's some pictures I've posted. While the month olds I can see pretty well, the some days old I really have to work my eyes to see. u_u
i usually leave the molts in their and find them eating them the next day or some time after, im sure it cant do them any harm. ive had my shrimps in my tank for about 3 months now but there doesnt seem to be any signs of them breeding. hopefully soon they will start to breed. your shrimps are so small! how did you manage to get them into the hatchery?
I trapped the expecting mother in there for a few days and let her out when I found the young.
I've got a marimo ball and some moss in there, as well I put a couple of smashed bits in there for food and move the hatchery around in the tank water if there's any NH3 or leftover food without losing the babies. I find it good for keeping track of them.

I kind of find the molt not very sightly, plus I've never seen any shrimps approach it or anything even after leaving it there for some days. I figure my water's hard enough to make up for the rest (200 or so).

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