Show Us Your Breeding Success


Jan 20, 2011
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A thread to show our individual breeding success were? What you did with them once they "grew up" and any tips you may have picked up with that particular species along the way. My last documented success was some time ago, primarily because I had an incredibly lucky run with hatching bbs eggs. I have also bred several hard to breed tetras such as rummynose but since I don't have pics I'll leave you with this AP Borellii vid I made.

I sold them to my lfs once they could be sexed.

And please please please don't take this as a slight but could we please omit livebeaers from of this thread since...
Great video! :good: only problem was that the bottom line of all the comments was missing, so never fully saw what you'd written! :lol:
this was just before she went crazy and destroyed about £60 worth of fish and shrimp.

Good grief x2 That's gotta be one of the prettiest (in my top 5) Ap Cac females I've ever seen. I had no idea they get some semblance of the males finnage during breeding. And rip to the £60 I think we should just categorize that as down the drain money.

@coldcazzie Thank you. I think the words are cut out because it's embedded on the forum, they seem to be there when watched on youtube, I think.
right now i have a successful batch of jack dempseys. they are still too young to be sold . this is actually the third spawn but did not have luck with the first two. biggest tip i have is baby brine shrimp. babies love it. oh, and dont stick your hand in the tank if its a large cichlid with babies. you will get bit.

i also have a batch of albino bristlenose fry.

both spawns were done at the fish's own accord. didnt do anything to induce them

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