Shipping In 90+ Degree Weather: Improvised Insulation?


New Member
May 5, 2012
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I'm shipping from New Orleans to Grand Island, Nebraska. The temperatures are in the upper 90s. I'm shipping overnight--so I'm assuming somewhere this involves an airplane.

I can't find sheets of Styrofoam. Anywhere. And I can't wait a week to have them delivered. I've tried Fedex and my local post office. They have an abundance of packing peanuts and bubble wrap but no sheets of Styrofoam.

I have some fancy "foam" stuff that Dell sent me when they sent my laptop. I have no idea if it keeps heat/cold in or out, but it cushions great. I also have a plastic container and lots of packing peanuts.

The set-up I have so far is sturdy box, foam, plastic box, packing peanuts, fish in triple wrapped bag.

Will this be enough to keep the heat out? I really don't know, but I need advice. The only thing I can think is maybe to put tin foil behind the foam as a further insulator.

Because of the temperatures I won't be adding a heat pack.
Should work, I've used those items, along with fiberglass insulation normally used in home construction.

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