Sexing German Blue Ram?


New Member
Sep 23, 2014
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Hi folks,

first time posting here, I was just loooking to get expert opinion on a gbr I recently got. I have 2 rams and pretty sure one is female but just unsure of the sex of the 2nd ram. Hoping some of you can have a look and see what you think.

Thanks 20140923_173759-1.jpg20140923_175026.jpg
I'm not sure from the photos.  How do they interact?  This can often be a better guide.
The one in the photo, which im unsure of, constantly chases the other ram away. Could this happen if they were both female? The tank is 190 ltrs so it should be big enough for both of the rams. They were both introduced at the same time so I wonder has one just taken over the whole tank as their territory...!!!!!!!
The photos are of the same fish?  I was somewhat inclined previously in thinking the left is a male, so if this fish is the dominant, that would seem likely.  As for the other fish that is being harassed, it could be male or female.
The male, if my thinking is correct, will consider the tank his space.  This will never change; adding more males for example will not deter him, as he was first in possession.
Rams must select their own mate; males will not always accept any female, and vice versa.  It sounds as if this male has not accepted the female, if the other fish is female.  Make sure she has plenty of refuge.  Though in my experience, this is not really adequate, if the male decides she is not wanted in his space, she will be hounded until dead.  I had this happen in a 5-foot planted tank with a pair of Bolivian Rams.
Thanks for the input Byron. Yeah I have plenty of plants, rocks, wood, caves etc for cover. Ive separated the tank into two separate areas too, hopefully this might help. Ill see if I can post some pics of the two rams hard to get them at the same time and staying somewhat still. They are only a fewdays in each others company so ill monitor the situation and ppermanently move one if that has to happen.20140923_185701.jpg
In the pic with the two of them close to each other- top pic on my machine - the one with the pink belly is female, the other one looks like a male
Yes, from that photo I would agree.  My previous suggestion remains then.  They may come to accept each other and spawn, or they may not.  My Bolivian pair spawned four times before the male killed the female.  But throughout, in hindsight I realize that they were not really "getting along" all that well.

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