Sex My German Blue Rams?

Hiya, I cannot see the picture as I do not have a PFK account and you need to be logged in to see it. Can you post it on this topic or you can email it to me(my email address is on my profile) and I will post it for you :)
Hi sorry about that, I've added the pic to this post hope someone can help me


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I did reply to you on PFK and I think they're two females; I'll tell you why (I have more time now ;) )
The one one on the right is obviously female, because of the pink belly. The reason I think the one on the left is a female too is this; if you look at the 'trailing' point of its dorsal and anal fins, they stop before they reach the start of the tail. If it was a male, those points would be longer, and overlap where the tail grows from :)
yeah I know just wanted a second opinion lol I see where your coming from ive also read that males done have black on the bottom fins only females do, plus that on the one on the left it looks like it has blue flecks in the black spot which only females have.
thanks again
Nothing wrong in asking for a second opinion, especially on tricky things like sexing rams!
Finnage is the most reliable method, IMO; males would also have pointier ends on the dorsal and anal fins and more of a fork in the tail. 
Using the fins is also handy, as it works for the gold and electric blue colour morphs, where you can't use the black on the fins or the spangling in the black spot. Doesn't work for long finned or the balloon variants so well though :/
Well I'm still waiting in a second opinion lol, I'm off to the LFS later so will see if they have a male will put him in and see which one he take a liking too, knowing my luck I will end up with another female.
From that picture, I would actually say male and female as the one on the left is thinner/more streamlined and does not have a pink belly. Or two females, one of which looks pretty masculine :)
I'm really not sure lol they have been separated as the smaller female/male has been constantly harassing the other one.
The one on the right is a female for sure! The one on the left is imho a male. Give them time to settle in and maybe add some more hiding places and all will be fine soon :)
As I've said in my previous post they have now been seperated as the smaller on was attacking and pecking the other one.
I've just brought a male! Well I'm sure it is lol will post a pic when he settles in.
Here is my male im pretty sure he is a male lol


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