Setting up Shrimp Tank


Fish Crazy
Jan 11, 2017
Reaction score
Victoria, Australia
Hey everyone, I recently decided I wanted to setup a shrimp tank (with RCS). I'm planning to have a 75l tank with:
-10 red cherry shrimp
-10 ember tetras
-1 freshwater neon goby.

I was wondering if I could use this type of sponge filter for the tank (obviously with two operating at once), or if a different type would be better. Please let me know what you think. Thanks.


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ember tetras
These will go after the baby shrimp but the adults should be ok.

freshwater neon goby
Will love your RCS for lunch.

I doubt there is a fish in the aquarium hobby that wont eat shrimplets.

Only reason I keep RCS in tanks with fish is to give my fish something to hunt.
Oh. So will the freshwater neon goby eat the adult RCS? I read that their diet was mostly algae and they were peaceful, which was why I was going to put them in. Thanks for all your help so far.
Sorry my bad the goby will be fine, I cant see an issue with the filter.
Ok thanks.

Hi i got one in my shrim tanks and it is fine . The only problem is when there is fry they go in the filter top . When we clean the filter my wife found some in the filter caught them and put them back in the tank . They all ok

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