Hi All,
No doubt this question has been asked many times
but due to the amount of information avaliable I wanted to get some further advice!
Having already had some great advice on starting up a freshwater tank after a 3 year break, I have decided to purchase an Aqua One 620 (90 litres = L62xW35xH52cm).
Previously, I have not really experimented with live plants as they seemed to last only for a couple of weeks. However, this was probably due to lack of knowledge and not using the correct substrates and care.
Therefore having seen a number of tank set-ups with live plants they look amazing and therefore have the following questions following some research on the net!
Believe the most important factor is that the substrate should be a material that does not affect the water conditions by raising or lowering pH and water hardness.
Suggestions are that either one goes for an overall mix of plant substrate and sand or separate layers of plant substrate and sand. Hence would something like the following would be sensible:
A) Bottom (1-2 inches) Layer (EcoComplete Black) and Top (1-2 inches) Layer (Light Sand)
B) EcoComplete Black only
C) Other suggestions welcomed including layer size and substrate/sand size?
With option A, would there be a chance that the plant substrate will start to mix with the sand over time due to planting or any other forms of disturbances or its a case of being careful with these activities.
With option B, is this recommended as it brings out the colour of plants and fish or its just a personal preference?
Other considerations are the use of fluorite, laterite (believe not required as EcoComplete is rich in iron) and fertilizers and nutrients and hence any advice on what else should be considered and purchased would be greatly appreciated.
Being a beginner, I plan to go with the most low maintenance and hardy plants and without the need for Co2, so recommendations have been:
A) Java Moss, Java Fern, Amazon Sword, Hygrophila, Ricca Flutians, etc
B) Any other suggestions and advice on number of plants recommended to start things off?
Should the plants be added following the addition of the substrate or following addition of substrate and cycling period?
Is the supplied lighting (2 x 18w PL lamps) for the Aqua One sufficient? I believe there are other options for this unit which various mixes of lighting and therefore are any of these preferable [/font]
Thanks in advance for you help and advice.
No doubt this question has been asked many times
Having already had some great advice on starting up a freshwater tank after a 3 year break, I have decided to purchase an Aqua One 620 (90 litres = L62xW35xH52cm).
Previously, I have not really experimented with live plants as they seemed to last only for a couple of weeks. However, this was probably due to lack of knowledge and not using the correct substrates and care.
Therefore having seen a number of tank set-ups with live plants they look amazing and therefore have the following questions following some research on the net!
Believe the most important factor is that the substrate should be a material that does not affect the water conditions by raising or lowering pH and water hardness.
Suggestions are that either one goes for an overall mix of plant substrate and sand or separate layers of plant substrate and sand. Hence would something like the following would be sensible:
A) Bottom (1-2 inches) Layer (EcoComplete Black) and Top (1-2 inches) Layer (Light Sand)
B) EcoComplete Black only
C) Other suggestions welcomed including layer size and substrate/sand size?
With option A, would there be a chance that the plant substrate will start to mix with the sand over time due to planting or any other forms of disturbances or its a case of being careful with these activities.
With option B, is this recommended as it brings out the colour of plants and fish or its just a personal preference?
Other considerations are the use of fluorite, laterite (believe not required as EcoComplete is rich in iron) and fertilizers and nutrients and hence any advice on what else should be considered and purchased would be greatly appreciated.
Being a beginner, I plan to go with the most low maintenance and hardy plants and without the need for Co2, so recommendations have been:
A) Java Moss, Java Fern, Amazon Sword, Hygrophila, Ricca Flutians, etc
B) Any other suggestions and advice on number of plants recommended to start things off?
Should the plants be added following the addition of the substrate or following addition of substrate and cycling period?
Is the supplied lighting (2 x 18w PL lamps) for the Aqua One sufficient? I believe there are other options for this unit which various mixes of lighting and therefore are any of these preferable [/font]
Thanks in advance for you help and advice.
