Hi there!
Some of you might know me from a few of my previous posts about my 20g tank, or some other stuff I've posted..
I'm relatively new to the hobby (6months) and just finished setting up my 20G planted aquarium. It contains neon tetras, a Betta, a few neritina snails, a Bamboo Shrimp and a bunch of RCS.
While I was getting all of this setup, my girlfriend managed to score a free 46G bowed aquarium. Sweet deal!
Since my 20g has been stable for the past week or two, I started building my tank stand for the 46. I will be finishing it during the week and finally, I'll start cycling the tank.
It will be my first fishless cycle, as the 20G was cycled using goldfish, while I didn't even know what cycling was. Luckily, goldfish are hardy and it was quite easy doing so.
Anyways, I am now thinking about what type of fish to get for this tank, I'm 100% sure I want loaches, (most likely Kuhli loaches), Harlequin Rasboras (9 of them), and then, I don't know..
I also want to add some shrimp in my tank, will most likely be using the one who breed from my 20g.
I'm thinking female Betta sorority, but I know I'll need at least 6 of them, but would go with 7 since they prefer being in odd numbers,
But again, I really want some schooling fish..
Here is what I'm considering:
Panda Cories,
Rummy Nose Tetras,
Glowlight Rasboras,
Galaxy Danios,
My main goal is to have small fish only, I don't really care for large fish.. I want a kind of fish who will school/use the top part of the tank, another kind of fish who will use the middle, and a school or kind of fish that'll hang on the bottom of the tank with the shrimp.
You guys have suggestions?
Some of you might know me from a few of my previous posts about my 20g tank, or some other stuff I've posted..
I'm relatively new to the hobby (6months) and just finished setting up my 20G planted aquarium. It contains neon tetras, a Betta, a few neritina snails, a Bamboo Shrimp and a bunch of RCS.
While I was getting all of this setup, my girlfriend managed to score a free 46G bowed aquarium. Sweet deal!
Since my 20g has been stable for the past week or two, I started building my tank stand for the 46. I will be finishing it during the week and finally, I'll start cycling the tank.
It will be my first fishless cycle, as the 20G was cycled using goldfish, while I didn't even know what cycling was. Luckily, goldfish are hardy and it was quite easy doing so.
Anyways, I am now thinking about what type of fish to get for this tank, I'm 100% sure I want loaches, (most likely Kuhli loaches), Harlequin Rasboras (9 of them), and then, I don't know..
I also want to add some shrimp in my tank, will most likely be using the one who breed from my 20g.
I'm thinking female Betta sorority, but I know I'll need at least 6 of them, but would go with 7 since they prefer being in odd numbers,
But again, I really want some schooling fish..
Here is what I'm considering:
Panda Cories,
Rummy Nose Tetras,
Glowlight Rasboras,
Galaxy Danios,
My main goal is to have small fish only, I don't really care for large fish.. I want a kind of fish who will school/use the top part of the tank, another kind of fish who will use the middle, and a school or kind of fish that'll hang on the bottom of the tank with the shrimp.
You guys have suggestions?