Setting Up My New Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2011
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Well after getting some unexpected money this week I am finally going to set up my 2ft that has been sitting on the living room floor for like a month lol

From eBay
Ordered 6 pieces of wood £19 look great in the photos probably pay that much each in a shop
10kg dragon rock (this may be used in my other tanks also) £25
Next up will be plants as got filter And everything including substrate ready
I'd suggest a fishless cycle before adding the plants.  You can always add plants later, once the tank is fully cycled.
If so, then I'd add a bit (or a bunch, if you can afford it) from one of the larger tanks and verify the bacteria are handling the ammonia by adding ammonia to a level of about 2-3ppm and see if it clears in 12-24 hours.  If so, you are good to add fish immediately.  If not, better to just wait until it can process 2-3ppm in 12-24 hours before adding the fish.  Much less stressful, and ultimately, fishkeeping should be relaxing not stressful.
copps321 said:
after getting some unexpected money this week
I'd love some of this!
But yeah, don't rush in to it all too quick, it would be a good idea to cycle the tank before plants, as others have said :) The plants would be okay but algae could become a problem if you had to keep the light on while cycling :)
Good luck!
Oh, and I expect photos ;)

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