Setting Up Aquarium For African Clawed Frogs


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2012
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My family currently owns a Juwel Rio 300 Aquarium which is in our living room, we have one Albino Clawed frog in it but ive noticed it barely ever swims around and chooses to sit out of the water on one of the tanks ridges instead. I can only assume the tanks air filter is causing it to do this (I understand these frogs like quiet environments and this filter moves a lot of air, not to mention we have air stones too).

So I was considering setting up a smaller tank in my bedroom and having perhaps 3 frogs and maybe something like a Siamese fighting fish in it (I read these go ok with frogs?) I have come across 2 tanks which will fit the space I have, both by Juwel, and those are the Rio 125 and the Rekord 800.

I was wondering what the differences are between these tanks, and if the built in pumps are going to cause the same problems im having at the moment? If so, can anyone recommend a good pump for a Clawed frog Aquarium?
African Clawed Frogs should not be kept with anything else as they will eat or attempt to eat anything in their tank but are quite sociable so should be kept in pairs/trios at a minimum. They require a minimum 10g per frog and it is recommended to overfilter the tank due to their high protein diet. They require areas to hide in and the water movement kept to a minimum so external filters with long spraybars to diffuse the flow are ideal.

By the sounds of it your frog is not only being disturbed by the airstone but is also looking for a mate which is why it is spending time out of the water. My advice would be to remove the airstones and get some friends for it.
Thanks for the info. Well I have decided to buy a Juwel Rio 125 tank and plan to have 3 frogs in it (i'll transfer the one in the family tank and get him 2 more buddies). At the moment the frog is now living in the air filter lol, he sits in the water at the surface. I keep dropping dried bloodworm in and hes eating it, so hopefully he'll be ok til I can sort the new tank out.

So thats a no to the fighting fish then, however how do you think a 4 - 5" Silver Dollar would fair? Im buying the tank used and it comes with one of these, and I was thinking due to its size it might be ok?
African Clawed Frogs should not be kept with anything else as they will eat or attempt to eat anything in their tank
Doesn't matter how big the fish is they will go for it and either stress it to death or fatally injure it. They are opportunistic ambush predators and eat whenever they get the chance not just when hungry so it is never a question of if it's when they will attack other tankmates.

(Just to clear up any confusion, we have platys in with ours and are well aware they and any fry are frog food)

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