I'm to old for this
Ok, so I have several 10g tanks sitting around and have decided to do some cherry shrimp and rabbit snails. It will have play sand some plastic plants (ease of removing babies), a mature sponge filter and heater set at 78F.
Now my question is, I rescued 5 sterbai corys, all missing 1 or both eyes. Will they be safe with the shrimp, more specifically the babies? Or should I just leave them in my community tank?
I was also thinking of adding 6-8 Harlequin Rasboras.
Any thoughts or suggestions much appreciated. 30 years of fish keeping and this is my first foray into fresh water inverts.
Now my question is, I rescued 5 sterbai corys, all missing 1 or both eyes. Will they be safe with the shrimp, more specifically the babies? Or should I just leave them in my community tank?
I was also thinking of adding 6-8 Harlequin Rasboras.
Any thoughts or suggestions much appreciated. 30 years of fish keeping and this is my first foray into fresh water inverts.