Server Changes


TFF Founder
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jan 17, 2002
Reaction score
TFF has just about outgrown its current server, which has served it faithfully since it moved there at the end of last year.
As such it is time for it to move to a newer and more powerful server, in order to keep serving pages quickly for all of its users. :D

This move is going to happen in Four phases:

Phase One has occured, and has been mostly internal changes in the site, streamlining configuration, and consolidating data. This was 100% successful.

Phase Two will occur over this weekend, and will result in a short amount of downtime. This is where we physically move the site to the new server.
The new server, has four times as much cache (super fast memory) on the processor as the current one as well as being a considerably higher clockrate, and twice as much ram, and more than double the hard disk capacity.

Phase Three happens on Wednesday 18th August, where our new server moves to a new, higher performance facility within the datacentre. This too will result in a short amount of downtime, as the server is physically moved, and DNS is repointed.

Phase Four is the tidy up phase, and will occur next weekend, clearing up any gremlins (or guppies) which may have crept into the system, and causing mischief.

Appologies for the short notice on this, but hopefully you'll hardly even notice the move as it happens, and this is essential for ensuring the future, and future growth of this site.

If you don't understand the information above, don't worry, it simply means that for approximately 2 hours spaced out over this coming week TFF will not be available. I will try and inform you of the progress and any anticipated delays or complications.

Take care and have a good weekend :)

Ok boss we got it :thumbs:

Just flush all those nasty gremlins out (ryan and cuni better watch out ) :whistle:
I think william is playing with these boards :shifty:
Wiliam you have kidnapped statsbot :eek:
I was talking to STATSbot earlier he is considering taking a break for a few days. Hopefully the chat link on the site works, it better do I wasted ages on it.
William said:
I was talking to STATSbot earlier he is considering taking a break for a few days. Hopefully the chat link on the site works, it better do I wasted ages on it.
Damn :eek: STatsbots the life and soul in chat we need him :p

The link works william ,go out have a drink forget about it :thumbs:
William said:
I was talking to STATSbot earlier he is considering taking a break for a few days. Hopefully the chat link on the site works, it better do I wasted ages on it.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, dont take him away? Please?

He's like a security blanket in chat!
I want my blanky


im not crazy its the aliens from mars that are crazy

thanx for the info william :thumbs:

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