Serpae Tetra Changing Colour..


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2010
Reaction score
Wigan, UK

I've noticed that one of my Serpae tetra has started to turn black, I just wanted to check that this isn't a disease. He seems fine, and it doesn't appear to be anything growing on his gills, yet the top of his head and lower body has started to go black in a similar colour to the black patches they tend to have. Could it be more a genetic hiccup than something more serious?
Can you post a photo?

Generally this is a spawning responce in the fish. Other tetra do it as well. It doesn't mean they are going to spawn but it is a reaction that conditions might be right for it. This can be from a number of things: lighting, quality of food, temperature of water, etc.
Thanks for the reply. I'll try, but with it being an active tank I rarely get a decent still of the small fish through the camera constantly refocusing :crazy:

Perhaps that would make sense, there seems to be a frenzy of spawning going on at the moment, I've had Penguin tetra laying eggs, my Black Widows and Neon Tetras have been showing signs of spawning and my 2 Angel fish pairs lay eggs virtually every other week.
You must be doing something right then!

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