My Algae has now i would say out of controll in the two weeks my Gf was away it has gone from manageable to curry hell haha,
i have lots of pictures, i think i been having my lighting on to much, possible over dosing of fert's and to little co2? hat you guys think?
my new crypt leaves are not growing algae but where algae was its just gone BOOOOM
here are pics a 100% id would be nice as well for the algae still unsure is it BBA or staghorn or other i know i have green algae on the front but its the stuff on the wood plants and rocks im concerned about
my light is on for 10 hours this is way i think i have to much light, will reduce this to 6 today,
my co2 was lime green or so i think so i shall get a pic later to check but i still think i need to dose more co2 into the tank
ferts im dosing what it says on the bottle im using neutro + this is 25ml for a 330L tank, this i think is to much considering my tank is not really heavy planted yet, but im trying to go down this rought i have LOADS of plants turning up today i really want to get this algae cracked
i have a theory to killing the algae on my wood and rocks, its freezing here going below 0 if i leave these outside to freeze/frost over will this kill the algae and i can then scrude it off easier, or boiling water? what can i do to QUICKLY get rid of this before i put the wood and rocks back into the tank i am going to cut all the leafs of my plants if i can maybe leave one leaf that has the most less algae and as soon as i see new leafs come through i shall cut that off
please all help is required (poke steveo
) haha anyone please
and if anyone can please id the reason to why this amazon sword is growing like this
if you need better pics of anything let me know im going to clean as much as i can today for my new plants to go in and new layout
please i cry for anyone who may know to help me.
thank you in advance
i have lots of pictures, i think i been having my lighting on to much, possible over dosing of fert's and to little co2? hat you guys think?
my new crypt leaves are not growing algae but where algae was its just gone BOOOOM
here are pics a 100% id would be nice as well for the algae still unsure is it BBA or staghorn or other i know i have green algae on the front but its the stuff on the wood plants and rocks im concerned about
my light is on for 10 hours this is way i think i have to much light, will reduce this to 6 today,
my co2 was lime green or so i think so i shall get a pic later to check but i still think i need to dose more co2 into the tank
ferts im dosing what it says on the bottle im using neutro + this is 25ml for a 330L tank, this i think is to much considering my tank is not really heavy planted yet, but im trying to go down this rought i have LOADS of plants turning up today i really want to get this algae cracked
i have a theory to killing the algae on my wood and rocks, its freezing here going below 0 if i leave these outside to freeze/frost over will this kill the algae and i can then scrude it off easier, or boiling water? what can i do to QUICKLY get rid of this before i put the wood and rocks back into the tank i am going to cut all the leafs of my plants if i can maybe leave one leaf that has the most less algae and as soon as i see new leafs come through i shall cut that off
please all help is required (poke steveo

and if anyone can please id the reason to why this amazon sword is growing like this

if you need better pics of anything let me know im going to clean as much as i can today for my new plants to go in and new layout
please i cry for anyone who may know to help me.
thank you in advance