Seperate Tank Or Community Tank?

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Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2012
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I'm thinking of getting a HM Betta once my 10gal tank has settled down. I've also done lots of research, and I've been wondering: Is it safe to put a Betta in a community tank? There are lots of threads and posts all over the internet with some people's experiences perfect, others horribly wrong. Should I set up a 2.5gal tank with a filter for one? Or take the risk in the 10gal?
What fish do you have in the 10 gallon? Bettas respond to different fish differently. IMO, a 2.5g is too small for a betta.
Well, it's that or my old 1gal Goldfish bowl. :( Maybe I'll try to get a 5gal then. But I think (because I'm changing my mind a lot with my fish tank lately), that there will be 2 Honey Gouramis, 4 Kuhli Loaches, and 2 Otocinclus. I'm also still thinking about different fish, but I probably won't put a group of schooling fish in if the Betta is in there.
Only problem I see with that is the gouramis. They are not compatible. They will fight for territory. Actually, don't consider housing them with any other anabantids. One of two things will happen 99% of the time. One of the fish will become timid and stressed out to the point it hides a lot or there will be lots of fighting and eventually one will die from stress or wounds.
Schooling fish are quite often okay,IMHO. I have a small school (6) ember tetra's in my 30L with my crowntail boy and they basically ignore each other. If you want a school with a betta make sure that 1) you get the kind least known for fin nipping and/or aggression as possible. 2) you get as many as you can so they feel secure, schooling fish are more likely to turn nippy if they don't and 3) that there is plenty of space and/or hiding spots in your tank so everybody feels safe and can get away from each other. IMHO keeping bettas with other fish depends a lot on your betta's individual personality. Some are big softies who are okay with whatever and other's are just out to kill anything and everything.
Yes, I was thinking there would be a problem with the Gouramis. Hmmm.... Maybe I won't get them. The problem is finding other fish though. But would a HM Betta be more likely to be aggressive? I know that CT Bettas are more aggressive, and I'm not very interested in them. Also, would Scissortail Rasboras be okay for schooling fish? I have a few hiding spots, so they should be protected. Just in case, I'll get a few more decorations and plants.
Actually, how about I only have the 4 Kuhli Loaches, 2 Otocinclus, and the Betta? I have 2 Platies (but I am DONE with livebearers), but I'll try to give them away, or go with waiting until their time has come. :sad: Maybe I'll see if anyone will take them. And then the Betta can practically have the whole tank to himself!

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