Semi-aggressive tank

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Mar 20, 2005
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I have a 26 gallon tank with mostly all semi-aggressive fish and a couple of aggressive fish. I set the tank up about 2 weeks ago let it run got the water just right and today I added fish. My question is why do they all swim at the top. I bought 5 types of fish and bought them all in pairs only 1 pair of my fish will swim around the tank, the rest just chill at the top, is this normal? Could it be the decor of my tank? Thankyou for any help
Semi aggressive to aggressive fish need more room to be comfortable. There is a chance that the dominant pair of fish are swimming freely as they see the tank as their territory and the other fish are hiding around the top because they feel they cannot challenge the dominant pair and are therefore intruding and in danger.

There are a lot of details missing, but that is one possibility...
exactly what have you got in there and did the LFS tell you they were (semi-)aggressive? sometimes they get things wrong and a lot of times they sell you more than you need or can fit...

we can tell you more if you can give us the fish names

Edited for stupid question/reading comprehension.
Well I have two bala sharks and they seem to be the most shy. After much reading though I think I am going to have them removed and either return them or buy another tank. I am going to take pictures and post.
OrangeScrewball said:
Well I have two bala sharks and they seem to be the most shy. After much reading though I think I am going to have them removed and either return them or buy another tank. I am going to take pictures and post.
Yea, giving them back to the LFS would be the easiest, most reasonable thing to do as they can get fairly large and need a really big tank. Probably larger than most fish that grow to their size need, because they need a lot of swimming space and are very active fish.

I've heard stories of them busting through people's tanks. :crazy: :hyper:
Hi OrangeScrewball :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

Since you are posting in the beginners forum, am I correct in guessing this if your first tank and it isn't fully cycled? If that is the case, perhaps your tank was stocked too quickly and you are having trouble with the water quality.

Do you have test kits yet? If so, what are your Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate readings? If you don't fully understand what these are for, let us know and we will help you get things straightened away. :D
This is not my first tank... Although it has been a long time since I have had a tank. As I said in my first post the tank was set up 2 weeks ago running since then. All the water conditions are fine except the water is a tiny bit hard but im still working on that. Oh yea and I suck with this whole internet thing. How do I post a picture

This is the sight thingy I just put up, sorry bad pictures but I'm not really sure which are which. Picture 3 I do know that the black with orange noses chase the orange with black stripes around. The 4th picture (the one thats really blury) is some kind of silver shark thingy that kinda looks like a catfish, I dunno. In the second picture you can see the bala sharks and two other fish (same type of fish).
If anyone could give me any pointers about things I should change and need done with my tank please tell me.
The striped fish are tiger barbs which should only be kept in groups of 6 or more, in smaller groups they will nip and pick on each other and other fish constantly.
The silver catfish looks like it might be a columbian shark cat which is a brackish/marine fish and will die in freshwater, they also grow to over a foot in captivity and will eat any smaller fish.
Is the water cloudy as it looks in the photos or is that just a photo thing - Cos cloudy water can indicate a problem with quality , or algae blooms - although your tank is quite new so i doubt its an algae bloom.
Have you retested the water now you have fish in it - Nitrates, amonia and nitrites.
CFC is spot on with the fish - If i were you i'd take the Sharks back and get more tiger barbs - as CFC is right - they will become a real pain if theres on a couple - 6+ is the well published minimum number for a reasonable peacefull group
i'm not certain, but i think those "black fish with the orange noses" are just Tiger Barbs that have been dyed green (but you couldn't have known). so two more of the orange stripey ones, and you'll have a nice school.

the black and white stripey fish with the flowing fins are Black Skirt Tetras (i think). just like the Tiger Barbs, they can be nippy in small groups. i suggest only getting two more of them, tho', as they can get a bit big.

return all of the other types of fish. they will get too big.

actually, you're going to have a rather nice little tank! two small schools of very active fish should be fun for you. don't be shocked if the dyed Tiger Barbs seem a little weaker or revert to standard coloration after a year or so. both of these are typical for dyed fish.

i'm very relieved to just see the sharks and barbs; last guy we had in here with a "semi-aggressive" tank had baby aggressive cichlids and barbs. now that was a disaster waiting to happen. nice decorations, btw -- very colorful!
pica_nuttalli said:
i'm not certain, but i think those "black fish with the orange noses" are just Tiger Barbs that have been dyed green (but you couldn't have known). so two more of the orange stripey ones, and you'll have a nice school.

the black and white stripey fish with the flowing fins are Black Skirt Tetras (i think). just like the Tiger Barbs, they can be nippy in small groups. i suggest only getting two more of them, tho', as they can get a bit big.

return all of the other types of fish. they will get too big.

actually, you're going to have a rather nice little tank! two small schools of very active fish should be fun for you. don't be shocked if the dyed Tiger Barbs seem a little weaker or revert to standard coloration after a year or so. both of these are typical for dyed fish.

i'm very relieved to just see the sharks and barbs; last guy we had in here with a "semi-aggressive" tank had baby aggressive cichlids and barbs. now that was a disaster waiting to happen. nice decorations, btw -- very colorful!
Yea, I would take back the bala sharks and the columbian sharks as well. Boyfriend made the mistake of bring home two columbian sharks and they are in our freshwater/brackish 55 gallon right now, but will be taken to a good LFS probably this weekend. :nod:

Black skirt tetras get to be about the same size as tiger barbs when they are adults. I have 6 black skirt tetras and 10 tiger barbs and they are all about 2 years old and the same size. :thumbs:
Green tiger barbs aren't always dyed. To me it sounds like you didn't properly cycle the tank or added fish too quickly. What are your test results for ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte? Read the links in my signature about fishless cycling and new tank syndrome (the first 2 links I believe) as you can't have cycled the tank by just letting it run for 2 weeks and you say your water's fine but you didn't post actual results. I suggest you do some water changes right away and try researching your fish. Good luck :)
Ok just got off work and read your post. Ok here is some water info: Nitrate is a little above 0. Nitrite is 0. The water hardness is 250. Alkalinity is 120 and the PH is 8.4. I know the PH is high but after much reading on this forum it was kind of suggested to just leave it be. After this post I am heading back to the LFS and returning the silver(columbian) sharks, and the bala sharks. I was curious what one of you might think about keeping the Black skirt tetras. Also just to clerify this because im kinda lost, my orange and black striped fish are the same as my black with orange tiped fins and noses (tiger barbs) and some just might be dyed?
Is the water cloudy as it looks in the photos or is that just a photo thing.
This is just a photo thing.

Thankyou guys very much for you help, but for now im off to the store. Anymore advise and help I may receive would be very helpful.

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