Seeking Advice For My 135 Gallon Setup

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2012
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Los Angeles
I currently have a 55 Gallon that I am looking to soon convert into a 135 Gallon tank.

My current stock includes: a juvenile Jack Dempsey, juvenile Green Terror, juvenile convict, juvenile Silver Dollars, an adult disabled bichir fish (he was a rescue), and a pleco 5".

I understand that with a 125-35 Gallon tank, you could have about 4 adult Cichlid's. So I intend to have the following four: A Jack Dempsey, Green Terror, Texas, and either an Oscar or Salvini Cichlid. (Or any other Cichlid that one could recommend for this tank).

The general advice I am seeking is from the following: What kind of substrate should I use (sand with Earth Eaters?), What would be an appropriate or reasonable amount of filtration for a tank of this size, and with this current stocking what other fish should I look into?
Well kissing fish and bala sharks both are friendly fish as long as you have two or more of the same they school together . My question is how to fix a dislocated jaw on a bala shark , and I have no idea how long it has been this way . I know that there jaws can get dislocated by getting slapped or by trying to eat rocks . In my case it wasn't from the rock but how do I put it back without killing my bala shark they are like my babies .
Well kissing fish and bala sharks both are friendly fish as long as you have two or more of the same they school together . My question is how to fix a dislocated jaw on a bala shark , and I have no idea how long it has been this way . I know that there jaws can get dislocated by getting slapped or by trying to eat rocks . In my case it wasn't from the rock but how do I put it back without killing my bala shark they are like my babies .

You should start your own thread to ask questions instead of asking them on somebody else's.

If you are talking about kissing gourami's then no, they are by no means necessarily a 'friendly fish', they are known for sucking slime coats off of other fish, leaving them open to secondary infections. Bala Sharks are considered semi-aggressive and need larger groups than two to feel secure, i would not recommend these for your tank, especially considering the stocking.

I am not too knowledgeable with cichlids so i am afraid i am reluctant to advise you further incase i am mistaken, i am sure somebody more experienced with these type of fish will pop up soon.
Hmm 4 cichlids of a potential size of 8-12 inches each in a 125-135 seems too much to me. I have 1 cichlid in my 120gal which is my flowerhorn. Currently pushing close to 6 inches. Reason I only have him is he is far too aggressive to be housed with any others. Iv treid him with a bigger jack dempsey and a bigger buttikoferi and he killed them both. If I was able to have other fish then I would add another 1... Possibly 2 but IMO I'd be on the tanks limit then. If I were you, If those are the types of cichlids your interested in then I would look at getting 3 tops. It may look as though you have loads of room left in the tank but trust me, most cichlids grow quite quickly and they each need their own spot in the tank to make their territory.

I would get a JD, Green Terror and texas and then possibly some dithers like silver dollars. Or you could have the JD, GT, Texas and then maybe a senegal bichir or 2 for the bottom of the tank. iv kept bichirs with JD's and texas with no problems at all. Iv owned a few JD's and my friend used to breed green terrors for a few years and IME neither have been aggressive... well, compared to the likes of flowerhorns, jags and even the Texas I used to have. IMO Texas cichlids are stunning and I'd have another 1 in a flash if I could.
Thanks for the input guys.

I think my planned 135 Stock will look like.
1 Green Terror
1 Jack Dempsey
1 Texas
1 Convict
1-2 Bichir
1 Firemouth
1 Pleco

and perhaps 2-3 Earth Eaters if I use sand and if there is space.

As for the tanks environment, I have collected a few large rocks to create semi tank division, including a cave for the bichir or JD to reside.

Should I be using canister filtration for a tank of this size? Can I just use a large hanging filter?
You could, but Canisters are just too dam good to pass up, I originally had two Aquaclear 110's in my 125g but moved to two Eheim 2217s
Thanks for the input guys.

I think my planned 135 Stock will look like.
1 Green Terror
1 Jack Dempsey
1 Texas
1 Convict
1-2 Bichir
1 Firemouth
1 Pleco

and perhaps 2-3 Earth Eaters if I use sand and if there is space.

As for the tanks environment, I have collected a few large rocks to create semi tank division, including a cave for the bichir or JD to reside.

Should I be using canister filtration for a tank of this size? Can I just use a large hanging filter?

Sounds like a bad idea :/ I think you have two tanks in one tank there .

Tank 1 =
1 Green Terror
1 Texas
1 Convict (maybe)
1-2 Bichir
1 Pleco


Tank 2 =

1 Jack Dempsey
1 Convict (maybe)
1 Firemouth
1-2 Bichir
1 Pleco

As for adding Geos - I wouldnt reccomend it - these are all central americans with strong jaw structures and the geos wouldnt be able to handle it - however you could dedicate a tank to a large group of geos if you wanted? Geos are not really one of those fish that you think of as a by thought they are quite sensitive all their lives and you really need to be able to make the most of them. Trust me, not necesseraly one of those fish you think can cope in less than pretty much perfect tanks.

Thanks Wills,

I think I understand what you are saying. Basically, the Texas, Green Terror, and Jack Dempsey would be problematic together and adding the Firemouth and Convict would probably not be able to cope either.

I have the option of keeping the JD in a 55, so maybe ill follow your plan and keep the JD, Firemouth and Convict in the 55.

That way I have just the Texas, Green Terror, Silver Dollars, and Bichirs in the 135.

Is a Red Texas going to be significantly more aggressive than the regular Blue/Greens?
Sounds like a good plan :)

I cant comment on the Red Texas as there are a lot of mixes floating around some claiming to be line breeding others saying they are hybrids and everything between - if you wanted some red in the tank a Salvini might fit the bill :)

I might say it's a no go on the firemouth because of their low jaw strength compared to the other cichlids in your list, and that might leave them with a broken jaw if any fights happen (which easily could) You never know until you try though, some aren't as aggressive and could be fine with firemouths.

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