My first tank is a 20 gallon that has been established for a few months now. 4 mollies, 6 neon tetras, and 2 mystery snails. I recently found out mollies are brackish and a 30 gal minimum is recommended for them. Anybody know if thats true? Anyway.
My second tank is going to be something like this (55 gal) -
1 peacock eel
10 rummynose tetra
10 silvertip tetra (possibly)
6 sterbai cories
I know the tetras might be too small, but I will most likely change them to larger tetra depending on how my eel is. Plan to get him first.
Opinions/Suggestions/Advice? I appreciate anything useful criquing
My second tank is going to be something like this (55 gal) -
1 peacock eel
10 rummynose tetra
10 silvertip tetra (possibly)
6 sterbai cories
I know the tetras might be too small, but I will most likely change them to larger tetra depending on how my eel is. Plan to get him first.
Opinions/Suggestions/Advice? I appreciate anything useful criquing