Second Tank - How Is My Stocking?


New Member
Sep 29, 2012
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My first tank is a 20 gallon that has been established for a few months now. 4 mollies, 6 neon tetras, and 2 mystery snails. I recently found out mollies are brackish and a 30 gal minimum is recommended for them. Anybody know if thats true? Anyway.

My second tank is going to be something like this (55 gal) -

1 peacock eel
10 rummynose tetra
10 silvertip tetra (possibly)
6 sterbai cories

I know the tetras might be too small, but I will most likely change them to larger tetra depending on how my eel is. Plan to get him first.
Opinions/Suggestions/Advice? I appreciate anything useful criquing:)
I have mollies in a ten gallon and have breed them successfully. They are fine, but of course they would like more space.
Mollies do well in freshwater that's somewhat hard and alkaline. Yes, they do inhabit brackish water in nature, as well as fresh and saltwater. A 20 might be a little cramped for 4 sailfin mollies, lyretails stay smaller and should be fine.
Your 55 setup sounds fine. The tetras you're considering should be to large for your eel to chomp on.
Good luck!
assuming your 55 is a 48Lx12Wx21H inch tank, the width is about the minimum I'd go for an eel that can get to 6/7 inches.

Other than that, botht hose tetra species should be fine with the eel, and there's plenty of space.
Sounds great!!! :good: The eel shouldn't get agressive, but if he does, take him out. :)

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