Seachem Stability ... ?


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2010
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Hey guys!
I have used Seachem Stability before on my big bowfront tank, and am now considering using it for my 25 litre. I had great results with it before, and was wondering what you guys think and wanted to hear about any experiences you've had with it?
Thanks everyone! :) 
I LOVE when posts like this come around.   Most of the bacteria products are hit and miss, I feel the same about stability.   I have successfully cycled a tank in just over a week with stability, i'd say 9 days about, but tried on another tank without much success at all.   I believe the product differs from bottle to bottle, and I also believe that if not used perfectly correct, it is useless.   
That being said, I would just ask around for someone to mail you a small piece of mature filter sponge.   I am sure it would not cost much to post a small envelope with a ziplock bag containing a little water and the filter sponge, or you could make a post asking if there's anyone in your area that would be willing to part with a corner of their sponge.   Using mature media is THE BEST way, hands down, to cycle a tank.  I have been cycling small tanks off of my large community tank since it has been running, I have cycled 10 gallon tanks in a matter of days.
If you were in the U.S. id offer to mail you a chunk of my sponge!!
Ah ok - thanks for the info!! :) Well the most annoying thing is that I'm at uni, with my big bowfront at home ... a week before I got my little 25 litre I made a trip home and had I known I was getting it I could have taken some media back with me at that point! Silly mee! Next going home on November 15th, which seems an awfully long way away!!!
Where shall I do a post asking for filter media? :) x
I was just about to link you, then i saw the thread you had started in classifieds already!  Beat me to it!!!

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