schooling fish


Fish Addict
Apr 6, 2004
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scottsdale az.
'post title'

yeah im thinking of rasporas but i dont know.... (they are my favorite terta but will the school?)
They will school, but they are not tetras, their in the barb (Cyprinid) family.

The tightest schooling fish I have ever seen are rummy-nose tetras. IMHO they are the most beautifull of all the tetras. :)
I have three in a 10g that school and I run a penguin-mini w/bio-wheel.
So I assume they would.

They are also very sensitive to water conditions. :)
I can tell you that neons will school but they also tend to have rogue groups. I've got a nice mixture of neons and cardinals and they'll school together they don't seem to see the difference between the two species
I have 7 Rasboras and i must say , they are a Tight schooling group as well. all day long from one end of the tank to the other..back and forth like a tennis match.
May have one straggle along in the back of the group every now and again, but he usually catches up on their way back across the tank :D
My neons adopted a head tetra headlight I think it is. It is kinda cool because it acts like all the other neons and schools with them :D

Henry :fun:

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