Fish Crazy
Hi, I have a sand substrata, there is lots on cleaning gravel but what about sand, also it looks fantastic, far better than gravel, no fish in yet........just my thoughts.......

Thanks ZoddyZod, what do you think to the lay will get dirty, and you'll need to clean - you just use the sand equipment as for gravel, just hover it abover the sand you so don't suck it all up, but that should still remove the poop.
Thanks Alm0stAwesome,lots to learn,lots of good advice on this forum..........Yup! It's easier than cleaning gravel IMO, you just use a regular gravel vac/syphon thingy except you just hover the end of it a little above the sand and wiggle/swirl it around gently. This stirs up the muck but leaves the sand behind. At first you'll probably suck up a little sand until you get the hang of it but you can just give it a rinse and put it back in the tank if that happens![]()
Good question Asheyna,I wanted just angels but tank too small,going to wharf on Friday, to have a look at what I would like, probably get small neons etcI'm no expert on tank layouts, but that looks really nice! What are planning to stock in there?
Thanks 'D4n.gr33n'will give it a gochuck in couple of thousand Trumpet snails n ull never need the clean it, my tanks been running for about 2 years n I've never had to siphon/clean the sand
Thanks Tolan,it is pretty good so will keep an eye on that, thanksIf you have good circulation, it should keep anything from settling on the bottom and will get sucked up into the filter.