Sand Vs Gravel?


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Jul 19, 2012
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What is the benefit of gravel substrate to sand and how will it affect my betta?
sand is better because if you dont have flow in the tank the waste will sink to the bottom onto the sand and you can vaccum it up whereas gravel, waste gets under and can cause problems so i would buy sand :good:
Dunno if you've created your tank yet, but here's my two cents: When I had sand in my 12 gallon, I found it annoying. I had a strong filter on the tank, and so within a day there would be a "hole" in the sand where the filtered water came into the tank.
Other than that annoyance, it looked lovely and I really liked it. I probably should have just put a baffle on the filter (something I didn't know about until years later).
I love my sand, my gravel was making my Ph too high and melting my plants, now that I have sand they are flourishing!!!
Im just using JBL Manado in my tanks. Gives it such a natural look and very well recommended for live plants if your going to be having them.
Yes I've been wondering the same thing! I'm going to buy myself a new betta tank, and I looove the look of sand much much better. But I'm not sure what is better. And how would you plant in sand?
i have switched my tanks to colored glass rocks. they're decorative, cheap and it is so easy to keep clean. i can put in my siphon and it will suck up the uneaten food and other debris from in between the cracks.
also its great for anchoring down plants and the granite rocks. i like to make little caves for the bettas to use.

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