sand question

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I have recently changed all my tanks to pool filter sand (aka silica sand)
not one bag so far (about 7) has needed any washing whatsoever. :p
by the way I paid £13 a bag, so it is not a cheap way of doing things, but certainly a quick one.
A follow up question if I can...

As a newbie about to set up my tank....what is better for plants....sand or gravel???

over time sand will compact down and supposedly crush/suffocate root systems of the plants...however, i have found that as long as you move the substrate around once in a while sand hold the plants in better, has greater surface area for roots to "attach" to, and looks more natural in general....i always recommend for people to use sand in planted aquariums with regular substrate stirring and fertilization
we've had a lot more 'luck' with sand - we spent a good few hundred pounds on our planted tank with a Laterite & gravel mixed substrate - only to have better luck in our sand tanks with nothing spent on the plants :)
Nobody mentioned river sand which I have just washed for a 12gal tank ( took me half the day including a layer of gravel and stones to make it look natural.
I have put the sand in the filled tank and put a corner filter on. Its been going for a couple of hours now but still not settled.
I thought I had washed most of the silt out of it but I guess not.
Anyone used river sand?
Cheers Davejey :whistle:

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