Sand killed second filter!! Advice?


Jan 16, 2016
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Hi! I have a 55 gallon tank with a sand substrate. I used play sand and rinsed it for ages before using it. There was still a cloud the first time I put water in the tank so I emptied and filled and emptied and filled until the water was clear. Despite this, there are still very fine particles of sand or mica or both that float in the water when the cories kick it up. I just bought my third filter for this aquarium because the sand is getting sucked up into the motor and breaking it. I tried raising the intake tubes, but it didn't work. When I clean the filter, there is always a thin layer of fine sand that has to be rinsed out.

This aquarium has been set up for months now. Shouldn't this all be settled out by now? Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas on how to get the sand to stay down or at least how to keep it out of the filter?

A few ideas I have are:

Put a pre-filter sponge on the intake tube. Pro: should keep sand from destroying another filter. Con: pre-filter sponge kind of negates the point of the internal filter material. Also, is this going to remove the fine sand? I don't see how.

Clean the filter out every day or two until the fine sand quits coming up. Pro: IF this works, the fine sand would eventually go away, hopefully without destroying the filter motor. Con: who really has time to clean a filter everyday? Especially when it has to be unplugged and brought into the bathroom, etc. And what if the fine sand never goes away? What if there is just too much of it?

Replace some of the sand with gravel. At least the part near the intake tube. Pro: If it works, the cories still have sand in most of the tank but not near enough to the intake tube to get inside the filter. Cons: May not work. Changing substrates even in a section, cant be fun.

Any advice? Thoughts? Experiences? Help!
I think you need to get the finest sponge possible(the one with the least pores) Also the prefilter sponge gives mechanical and biological filtration so nothing wrong there

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Just a note the motor shaft can easily be removed,
disassemble the filter until you see the impeller and then remove with pliers. it is held in place by magnets. I am guessing sand is getting between the shaft and housing causing it to jam.

When you cycle water use a syphon hose and make sure is as close to the bottom as possible. The silt will be heaviest near the bottom. However keep the hose fare enough away from the sand so the sand will not be removed. If you just remove water from the top it will take a lot longer to get it all out. Also just before you remove the water move your hand through the water to kick up the silt.

Putting a prefilter spong on the filter take will help but you will have to remove and clean it constantly.
I'm surprised there is still sand getting into the filter. I have had sand for years and while there is always a small amount of sand in the filter when I clean it I know it comes from when the Clown Loaches are startled near the basket and flick it up. My filter basket is a good six inches above the sand bed so perhaps that's what's allowing it to work ok.

Regarding putting gravel near the basket -- doesn't work. Sand gets in amongst the gravel but carries on flying around as normal, I know, I tried it.

The only thing I can think is that the sand is just too fine, I used aquarium sand in my tank bought from a LFS, perhaps play sand doesn't fit the bill. I mean for tiny Cory's to kick up the sand to such a great effect it must be truly fine.
I'm surprised there is still sand getting into the filter. I have had sand for years and while there is always a small amount of sand in the filter when I clean it I know it comes from when the Clown Loaches are startled near the basket and flick it up. My filter basket is a good six inches above the sand bed so perhaps that's what's allowing it to work ok.

Regarding putting gravel near the basket -- doesn't work. Sand gets in amongst the gravel but carries on flying around as normal, I know, I tried it.

The only thing I can think is that the sand is just too fine, I used aquarium sand in my tank bought from a LFS, perhaps play sand doesn't fit the bill. I mean for tiny Cory's to kick up the sand to such a great effect it must be truly fine.
I agree. This is what I've been thinking as well. The sand has too many ultra-fine particles. In my journal thread, I posted a picture of the cories kicking up sand but it doesn't really show it that well. I think I am going to attempt a substrate change to aquarium sand. I have to read up on how to do this without another aquarium.

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