Hi! I have a 55 gallon tank with a sand substrate. I used play sand and rinsed it for ages before using it. There was still a cloud the first time I put water in the tank so I emptied and filled and emptied and filled until the water was clear. Despite this, there are still very fine particles of sand or mica or both that float in the water when the cories kick it up. I just bought my third filter for this aquarium because the sand is getting sucked up into the motor and breaking it. I tried raising the intake tubes, but it didn't work. When I clean the filter, there is always a thin layer of fine sand that has to be rinsed out.
This aquarium has been set up for months now. Shouldn't this all be settled out by now? Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas on how to get the sand to stay down or at least how to keep it out of the filter?
A few ideas I have are:
Put a pre-filter sponge on the intake tube. Pro: should keep sand from destroying another filter. Con: pre-filter sponge kind of negates the point of the internal filter material. Also, is this going to remove the fine sand? I don't see how.
Clean the filter out every day or two until the fine sand quits coming up. Pro: IF this works, the fine sand would eventually go away, hopefully without destroying the filter motor. Con: who really has time to clean a filter everyday? Especially when it has to be unplugged and brought into the bathroom, etc. And what if the fine sand never goes away? What if there is just too much of it?
Replace some of the sand with gravel. At least the part near the intake tube. Pro: If it works, the cories still have sand in most of the tank but not near enough to the intake tube to get inside the filter. Cons: May not work. Changing substrates even in a section, cant be fun.
Any advice? Thoughts? Experiences? Help!
This aquarium has been set up for months now. Shouldn't this all be settled out by now? Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas on how to get the sand to stay down or at least how to keep it out of the filter?
A few ideas I have are:
Put a pre-filter sponge on the intake tube. Pro: should keep sand from destroying another filter. Con: pre-filter sponge kind of negates the point of the internal filter material. Also, is this going to remove the fine sand? I don't see how.
Clean the filter out every day or two until the fine sand quits coming up. Pro: IF this works, the fine sand would eventually go away, hopefully without destroying the filter motor. Con: who really has time to clean a filter everyday? Especially when it has to be unplugged and brought into the bathroom, etc. And what if the fine sand never goes away? What if there is just too much of it?
Replace some of the sand with gravel. At least the part near the intake tube. Pro: If it works, the cories still have sand in most of the tank but not near enough to the intake tube to get inside the filter. Cons: May not work. Changing substrates even in a section, cant be fun.
Any advice? Thoughts? Experiences? Help!