Sailfing Pleco Life Span


Fish Crazy
Jan 28, 2007
Reaction score
Coventry UK
Didnt check tank this morning as was running late for work but came home to find the first fish i ever bought dead,

so wondering what kind life spans these have as tank seems fine tests are ok and all other fish are fine. had temp little higher due to white spot but thats cleared and temp was lowered yesterday (alhough still taking ages to lower) temp is little over 28.

here is a pic of him by my arm for size

25-30 years is very possible.... sorry to hear of your loss..looks like he was a stunning looking fish :(
very nice fish i must say :) Defo gonna get one my self after seeing this pic :)
Sorry for you loss. I've got a common pleco and he is my water puppy.
Did you put salt for the ich as most plecos don't tolerate it? The other thing is if they don't get enough of food to eat. For the size of them they let go of food easily if other fish are very persistent. Even my baby bristlenose is bolder than my common pleco. Mine gets veg 2-3 time a week on top of the algae tablets I drop in the tank.
cheers guys

yeah he was a big puppy, just to feed from surface with the other fish haha will miss that as the bristles, clown and rusty plec dont do it

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