Sail Fin Or Long Fin


Fish Crazy
Aug 13, 2012
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I have a black tuxedo overlapping orange female sail fin platy and a male I think coral platy and his dorsal fin is a long fin. His gonopodium is working very well tho. The other important platy in this equation is a regular pinned, bought from a petstore, blue wag female platy.

A few weeks ago I am most certain the extremely plum blue wag dropped fry. And I only intentionally saved 3 fry of hers.

4 fry were noted to have survived on their own in the big tank of hers. They never got eaten :). So now they are 3weeks old and one of the light blue colored non wag babies has a definite sail fin!

But she is normal fin and I doubt highly that she carries the recessive gene.

Is it possible a long fin and normal fin can equal a sail fin? There is no markings what so ever to indicate the fry Is from the tuxedo orange based platy?

Do long fin start off as sailfin then keep Growing to be long fin?

All other platy in my tank are regular finned. The only other male platy is a red tail white calico of which I have never seen a long finned version.

Btw it is impossible to snap a photo of a fry in a 50 gallon :3.

Anyone know of platy genes here? Thanks for reading.
Here is the only sail fin (and it is female) that resides in my tank

Here is my only only long finned platy (male) that resides in my tank

Here is the platy that I am sure is the fry's (including the highfin) mother and this is also the only platy that they resemble appearance wise

Here is a few snaps of the sailfin fry (the other siblings are similar except no sail fin)



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