SAE Behavior


Jul 26, 2003
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New York
I just got a SAE (Siamese algae eater) yesterday. He has a very jerky way of swimming. I know these fish don't really have a swim bladder but he seems to almost throw himself around the tank. He almost seems to be crashing into the glass. I don't know if he is eating algae off the glass or if there is something wrong with him. He's absolutely the most ungraceful fish I've ever seen. He has been schooling with an amazingly large otto (over 2 in). I am planning on getting him a buddy when lfs has one available. Can you SAE owners tell me if your fish swim like this??
that is a first for me to hear of. if mine can put the run to a aulonocara Maisoni and keep up with it I would have to say that it is pretty graceful.
SAEs tend to wriggle like eels, hover in the water nibbling plants like an aquatic humming-bird and dart the entire length of the tank for no apparent reason. They also like to sit on rocks, propped up on their front fins, surveying their territory. However, what they lack in grace they make up for in personality.

Do try to get yours a couple of companions - I've heard they are much happier in schools, although mine's been alone for a year with no apparent ill-effects and is very friendly. Maybe Tri-Mar will have some friends for my SAE soon :*
Yes, SAE (=Crossocheilus siamensis, right?) is shoal fish. It needs friends and also large tank, long, becuase it's quite a swimmer. If you keep it alone or only couple of them, they may become aggressive and harass other fishes.
mrV said:
Yes, SAE (=Crossocheilus siamensis, right?) is shoal fish. It needs friends and also large tank, long, becuase it's quite a swimmer. If you keep it alone or only couple of them, they may become aggressive and harass other fishes.
Mine is alone simply because I am yet to find any friends for it - Tri-Mar are promising they'll have some in soon so hopefully it won't be for much longer.

However, on his own I haven't noticed any aggressive behaviour from my SAE, even with molly fry. It might be because the mollys in the tank are also quite stroppy and keep him in line. He used to be in my tetra tank but he didn't have so much space there. He used to school with my pencilfish - I swear he thought they were juvenile SAEs! He showed no sign of agression or stress. He's actually a pretty chilled fish really, despite being somewhat hyper. He does like his new tank and has grown quite a bit since he's had so much algae to eat and so much swimming space.
Anna I feel better after reading your reply. I think it could just be that he is new to the tank. He seems to keep doing the same loop over and over. He swims in the same spot in the tank by the filter intake over and over. I'm hoping that as he gets acclimated to the tank he calms down a bit. He is still hanging out with the gigantic otto.
Moe said:
Anna I feel better after reading your reply. I think it could just be that he is new to the tank. He seems to keep doing the same loop over and over. He swims in the same spot in the tank by the filter intake over and over. I'm hoping that as he gets acclimated to the tank he calms down a bit. He is still hanging out with the gigantic otto.
SAEs like playing in current, which might be why he likes the filter intake. If you put a bit of slate in your tank that can grow algae, SAEs do like to sit on it and graze algae. Do make sure you give him plenty of veg (cucumber, courgette/zucchini, shelled peas) and algae tabs, plus some freeze-dried bloodworms - don't just rely on the algae to feed him.
OK I do put all that food in tank for other fish and pleco, he seems to be calming down a bit every day. He's a weird little fish, but we like him.

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