'Runners' from Amaz. Sword, when to clip?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Sterling, VA
I have 2 large amazon sword plants in my 120g and one of them has 'runners' I guess you call them. They seem large to me, but I don't know when a good time to cut them is.. and I don't know what reasons you cut them for. Obviously cutting them off from the mother plant lets you regrow them in any other tank or location, but are there disadvantages from leaving them connected for too long? Will they naturally break off?

Here are some pictures that I hope will help. Thanks for any input...

(The 1st and 3rd pictures are the best)

Swordplants w/Runners

Far as I know, you can just go ahead and cut 'em off. Your Amazon Sword looks nothing like my Amazon Sword, though. Wonder if mine is a "true" Amazon Sword, though. Perhaps we have different varieties.

aka Married Lizard :wub:
I have no true knowledge about plants, I picked these up at the local Petsmart as 'amazon sword plants' and that is all I know. They seem to have sword leaves so I figured they were labelled properly. Would love a second opinion as to what I have. Can take additional photos as neccessary

When the baby plants are atleast a 1/3 as big as the mommy plant. On mine if I can plant around it I leave the babies all on the runner after cutting free from the main plant.

You should plant them somewhere while still on the runner and let them root befor you cut them.
Large sword in the first pic could do with a trim! Remove all dying and old growth from the base of the plant, it will be much healthier then. By the looks of the browning leaves you need a good fert? :whistle:
Well, I originally had these plants and they looked great.. and then they got put in a 15g which my mom 'takes care of', and by 'takes care of' I mean does nothing with.. so when I pulled them back into my tank they had suffered major damage from nitrate overdosing, and nitrite and ammonia as well...

At any rate, they're a LOT healthier than they used to be. I just expected them to die, but gave them a second chance. I will go ahead and cut the bad looking leaves off though -- I should just cut very close to the base?

I would plant the smaller plant in the gravel and let them root before I would cut them from the mother plant..

When I see a runner start I put some rocks on it the get the smaller plants rooted and then cut them free, you dont have to waut untill they are so big, three leaves is enough
Zaphan58 said:
Large sword in the first pic could do with a trim! Remove all dying and old growth from the base of the plant, it will be much healthier then. By the looks of the browning leaves you need a good fert? :whistle:
he can't be doing too bad... they have runners!

ours however needs exactly what you said :D

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